Chapter 2

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{Song: Rock You Like a Hurricane by Scorpians}

Nancy, y/n and Steve sat in the parking lot of their high school, looking over Steve's collage essay. Though y/n was friends with Nancy, she and Steve didn't have much of a relationship. He was always the popular kid while she was a nobody. Even though they had been, and were, in several classes together, they never really interacted.

"Did you read it y/n?" Asked Nancy, lowering the pages to peer into the back seat, giving y/n a look that begged her to help her break the news of how bad the essay was to Steve.

"Yeah." Y/n said, nodding a bit and leaning forward so she could talk to them a bit better.

"What did you think?" Asked Steve to both girls.

"It's not that bad." Y/n said, making Steve smile in relief. "But it kinda feels like you ran out of stuff to talk about so you started talking about your grandfather and the war." She said, making Nancy nod.

"Yes, you went from the metaphor about the basketball game to the war, they don't seem to connect." Steve looked between the two.

"It connects because we both won." He said desperately.

"Yeah..." y/n trailed off, making Steve groan and throw his head back.

"It's horrible isn't it."

"Yes." Y/n said bluntly.

"No." Said Nancy at the same time, shooting y/n a glare. "You just need to work on it a bit more. When's the deadline."

"Tomorrow for early application." Said Steve. "Can you come help me tonight? Either of you?" He begged y/n and Nancy.

"We have our dinner tonight, remember?" Said Nancy.

Y/n stepped out of the car, sensing the couple were going to go into personal business. Leaning against the hood, she waiting for them to join her.

Loud screeching filled the air as a strange car pulled into the parking lot, music blasting so loud from the speakers y/n could clearly hear the song from outside the car. The license plates were from California, meaning there was finally going to be a new kid joining Hawkins.

Nancy and Steve joined y/n outside to observe the new student. A guy with sandy blonde hair in a mullet stepped out of the car, blue eyes doing a small once over of the area before flicking his cigarette away. Y/n studied him curiously, taking note of his attractiveness yet over all 'not caring' vibe.

"I'm calling it. He's a douche bag." She said, making Steve snicker and Nancy elbow her.


Sitting in Biology, y/n stared blankly forward. She found school incredibly boring since she was always able to get a passible grade without any effort at all. It had gotten even worse after her mother went 'missing'.

She was suddenly the center of attention in the worst way possible. Everyone felt bad for her and they were constantly showering her in pity. She was yet to get anything lower than an A in any class since every teacher was giving her a huge amount of leeway.

"Y/n, my friends were wondering if you wanted to sit with us during lunch." Looking up, the teen saw three cheerleaders staring at her with the most pity filled and fake smiles one could possibly muster. Y/n knew that if she said yes, suddenly all these girls would be seen as some sort of saints, who blessed the poor old orphan loser with a little attention. No way she was going to let that happen.

"No, but thanks for the offer." Standing, y/n swung her backpack over her shoulder. "But if you girls really want to make a donation, I take cash." Walking out of the classroom she yelled in final thing before leaving. "Fives bucks and up ladies!"

Steve Harrington x reader x Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now