The Ski Trip| Daichi, Oikawa, Kuroo, Bokuto, and Ushijima

Start from the beginning

Being taller than most of the girls she managed to squeeze herself in the crowd and reached Ushijima first. Locking her arm in his, she ignored the puzzled look he gave her and then dragged him to lock her other arm with Bokuto who was still pouting for the lack of attention.

The girls protested when she reached Oikawa and gave him one of her threatening stares.

He flinches at the ominous aura she was omitting and quickly excused himself before he faced her wrath that he usually compares to Iwaizumi's.

"Let's go Ski everyone! The faster we go down this slope the quicker we can get to the all you can eat buffet down in the resort!" She says, her mouth watering as she imagined the endless table of food awaiting her.

"Maybe they'll have beef!" Bokuto perked up.

"Beef~!" They both squeal.

They both run up to the starting point happily chanting about beef.

"Why do I get the feeling she only came because I mentioned the buffets?" Kuroo chuckles.

"Where does all that food go? She's worse than Hinata." Daichi sweatdrops.

"Alright, how about a race?" Kuroo offered.

"Yeah!" They all say simultaneously.

They spent 30 mins having fun snowboarding and skiing.

Bokuto and Kuroo were racing each other and playfully teasing each other when one fell.

Oikawa declared he'd beat Ushijima but failed every single race they faced off.

While Daichi helped Genoveva try to successfully ski without falling on her face.

She laughs as he teases her while she held his arm to try and stand up.

"It's like your learning how to walk again isn't Bambi?" He chuckles as she playfully glared at him.

"Whatever Dad-chi." She teased him back.

She squeals when he teases her by pretending to let go of her and it only caused her to hold on to his arm with both of hers.

"Oi, stop flirting you two!" Kuroo teased as he reached them along with Bokuto.

"Hey hey hey, what you guys doing?"

"I'm trying not to die." She deadpanned. She ignored the two not trying to fuel their amusement.

They all ride down the slope, and once they reach the bottom Bokuto sees something that sparks him an awesome idea.

"How about we ride sleds down the mountain next? We can race and see which teams wins!" Bokuto pointed at the sleds.

"Ushijima! Oikawa! Get over here!" Kuroo called out to them.

The sleds were three seaters, and in order to get them up there they had to hook them on the ski lift.

"I pick Daichi and Ushijima!" Genoveva tries to pull up sleds but is helped by Ushijima who saw her struggle to pull it up.

"Eh!? But I wanted to be on your team!" Bokuto pouts.

"Why do you always pair up with them! What about me Geno chan~!?" Oikawa tugs her arm.

"The chances of me dying significantly decrease if I join these two."

"That's mean Geno chan~"

"That's mean GG!"

Bokuto and Oikawa cry simultaneously.

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