Germ-san |Sakusa Kiyoomi

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Geno had decided to go to the restroom and check on her nose. It felt awfully stiff and she could feel the medicine wear off.

"Man, I hope it heals by tomorrow." She thought as she approached the girls restroom door.

But before she could grab hold of the door handle she hears giggles coming from inside and like a re-enactment from earlier. She gets hit by the door.

"Wah!" She cries holding her newly bleeding nose.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" A few girls who were there as spectators said horrified. "Oh my, here's a tissue!"

She gratefully takes it and clogs her nose.

"Guess I'm off to the nurse again." She thought to herself, bowing to the girls who still were freaking out.

On her way there she saw that many volleyball players were wandering around so she tried keeping her distance, especially when she saw their horrified faces and they saw the bloody mess that lurked in the halls.

Reaching the infirmary, she can't help but feel embarrassed that she was here once again for the same reason.

"Don't you dare touch that knob," she heard someone sneer behind her.

She freezes, her hand stopping merely centimeters from the door knob.

Looking over, she sees a boy not much taller than her in a green yellowish uniform, wearing a white face mask. Itachiyama, it read.

"Eh, nani?" She watches him nervously.

He motions her to back up and when she does he opens the door and walks in.

"What the-" she comes in to see him closing the door behind her and then reaching for hand sanitizer.

"Is he a germaphobe or something? " she ponders on it when he went to the nurse and asked her for spare face masks.

"Sure thing hon, give me a second- eh? Geno? What happened?!" She forgets about him and runs to the girl's aid.

"Some girls opened the door on me, again." She rolls her her eyes.

"Oh no, here go to the sink and wash your face it has blood all over it!" She does as she's asked and proceeds to wash her face.

"Hm, it looks like I don't have any face masks here. Let me go get some from storage. Geno, I'll leave some ice for you!"

They were both alone now, and the awkward tension was heavy.

Washing her hands, she goes to take the ice and some tissues. She pick a bed to lay on and closes her eyes.

It felt like 20 mins passed by and she had taken a small nap.

She woke up to a blanket covering her and the lights dimmed down. Rubbing her eyes she looks around the room and sees that the boy was still there but no nurse in sight.

"Excuse me?"

He doesn't make an attempt to acknowledge her and it slightly ticks her off.

She decided to leave if she wasn't going to get answers, but right before she gets to the door she turns back to look at him one last time and sees that he was glaring at her and an ominous feeling surrounded him.

"Scary." She whispers and leaves closing the door behind her.

She was determined to never run into that guy again.


Fate had a funny thing about reuniting them. It was day two of nationals and after a really long game against Iwaki Girls High, the girls managed to take two sets.

They had at least an hour of break, their next opponent was still yet to be determined and Geno decided to eat the huge bento her mother sent to her from a yummy restaurant they had been to before.

Her teammates were watching the game against Inarizaki and Karasuno closer to edge. Faunting over some twins.

She was by herself happily stuffing her face, when she hears someone approach from behind her.


She flinches as she's startled by a familiar voice. She turns around with her mouth stuffed in a rice ball.

Sakusa was looking at her in disgust while his friend behind him was trying not to laugh at the girl.

"Vwat?" She says trying to finish to her food.

"Ugh," she sees him curl back clearly grossed out. He started to emit that nasty ominous aura of his.

"You left this in the infirmary yesterday. The nurse said it was covered in blood so she knew it was yours." He says trying not to look at her.

She looks at his hand surprised to see her compression sleeve. She raises an eyebrow as to how this germaphobe was able to touch it?

Wiping her hand on her jacket, she reaches for it and it while he looked severely annoyed.

"Thanks, did you wash it?" She asked curiously.

He only scoffs.

"Why would I touch that? No. The nurse did, she ran into me earlier and asked me to give it to you."

"Oh, Arigatou." She bows her head.

"Whatever, let's not cross paths again, Germ-san."

"Why are you calling me that? I know I looked a bit rough yesterday but give me a break." She stops him in his tracks.

He looks at her confused his friend started to break into laughter.

"Sakusa, this is Amagai Ge-no-ve-va. She's the #3 ace." He words out her name.

Sakusa looks at her in disbelief and doesn't say anything else, leaving the girl confused.

"He thought my name was Germ?" She asks in disbelief.

"I guess so, don't mind him. He's not a people person. Goodbye." The boy leaves her even more stunned.

"Germ? Where did he get Germ from? The only syllables it has in common is 'Ge'?" She smacks her lips annoyed and decides to finish her bento instead of pondering over the matter.

Taking a bite from her rice ball, she melted into the rich flavour and forgot all about it.

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