Little dreamer

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『Life is unfair the best people die first like a garden, what flowers would you pick? The best ones right?』

A man dressed in a blue uniform approached a small cowering boy. They boy sat on the floor, pushed back into the corner between the wall and seats. He closed himself off trying to find comfort.

His head was between his knees and his body shook with each silent sob. Although the hospital room had a seat the boy didn't use them. The floor was just as comfortable to him. It was clear he didn't want to be here. Who would.

The police man looks away briefly, he always knew his job was hard.
Seeing thing, hearing things even smelling things that will haunt him till the grave. For him, This took first place on his list. He hated getting the short straw of cases like this. Having to tell children things that made them become too mature, forcing them to grow up to fast. He hated it.

In front of him is A kid, so fragile that one wrong word would shatter him. And here he is like a hammer. "Kid, I'm sorry she... she just didn't make it..."
That was all it took. Millions of pieces sent flying.

After sadness comes numbness

the boy stoped shaking still processing the mans words. His head slowly raised up higher as He meets the police mans eyes.

The man cuts a gasp short as he sees the boys face. The dull purple eyes held back so much sorrow that even he felt like crying. Each feature of the boy was so distraught that a powerful aura pushed back at anything too close.

Just hours ago they had been a vibrant lilac sparkling and full of joy. Now all that was left was a dulled down lifeless core. The kind of dead eyes that looks through you sending a shiver down your spine.

"Okay." Is all that's said. Short and bitter. The police man expected this. The poor boy had just lost everything in the span of a few hours. People were cruel and selfish, they only do things if they benefit themselves. That's what he learned today.

It was so simple. The heroes were supposed to know. They were supposed to save them.

A Villains took his mother and him as hostages, Simple enough. The villain clearly stated on broadcast that someone would die if a hero just bust in. The two young heroes obliged waiting for the villains to make there next move and for older more knowing back up to arrive.

When the heroes finally came, one didn't wait to be warned. He just  ran in. A villain isn't to be taken lightly. He got angry that a hero would directly ignore his one command. So angry that without hesitation swirled his outstretched arm around and relaxed.

The sound of the gun firing still played on loop in his head. That sound, that damn loud sound aimed for him. He was fine with it. He wanted his mother to live. He was prepared for the sacrifice. But no. Now all he can see is His mothers bloody smile as she dropped to the floor in front of him.

The way the warmth left her hand as he frantically tried to hold on to it. Her life literally slipped through his fingers. He could never be prepared for that. No one could.

He remembered the hatred he felt at the hero who dared to act shocked, dared to act surprised and dared to act sad by what happened. He remembered the anger that bubbles up in him at how easily this could have been prevented.

How? How could the number one hero fail him? Isn't he some god from the heavens. A quirk that deemed him a champion from birth. If he'd have listened, I'd he had just used his brain.

Isn't it suspicious that no heroes had acted? Why charge ahead! By not taking the villains threat seriously that man had made a new enemy.

He would never forgive that man for taking away the only family, the only friend, the only person that ever believed in him. Everyone else has already judged him. Labled him as a villain. Discriminated him because of a quirk he didn't choose. Only his mother was ever kind to him. She encouraged him. She Had him aiming for UA.

Now... he doesn't even know what will happen to him now. With no family left will he be ditched in an orphanage? Have to dress up and act nice to get a new family?  A family that could never replace the one he lost. He's doubtful.

Regret is stronger than gratitude

Now The endless bulling he went through just to come out and see his mothers smile is one of the few memories he can cherish. How she's scold him for letting the other kids get to him and injure him. Did he thank her enough? Did he say I love you enough. Was he enough? She's would always say.

"Your strong so why not show them that"

The two would laugh and talk over dinner. Plan there future when they would leave the dump they call home. It wasn't much but now it's gone. Never again will he feel the warm hugs of his mother. And since he never new his father.

Other than the stories his mother made up. About the amazing hero! A hero No one new because he was an underground hero. It was fun to believe for a while. Believe he had a heroes blood running through him. Yet he stoped indulging in that fantasy long ago.

He'll never see that day, not with her. Not after that hero selfishly took her life. Instead of hating all heroes he decided to become what they can't. He'll declare war on All Might, publicly.

A heroes determination is the hardest to break.

"Hitoshi? That's you right? I'm Aizawa I'll be taking you in." The boy looks up shocked to fine a new presence that had entered the room. So no orphanages? Strange.

"Don't worry I'm a pro hero, your mother...I-" he sighs frustrated. This peaks Hitoshi's interest. "We were well acquainted I'm sorry that she had to leave. This is me paying her back by looking after you."

Hitoshi just nods at the hero. He's never heard or seen a pro like him before. He looks extremely tired too. Night patrols?  Everything about this man screams stranger danger but if his words are true and he did know his mother then he can't be too bad.

Now he has a new future. A bright happy future with people that care for him. They don't judge him. The believe in him. Edge him on. They push him to be better that he is because they know he can.

He'll never forget what that hero did. But he's ever more closer to his final dream.

He's aimed to get into a hero school. The hero school. Recommendation or not. He'll get taught by the best heroes. Sadly that includes the one he hates. If or more like when He sees him he'll stay cold,ignoring the man like always. He can walk away when he sees him. Takes a steep back if he gets to close. And If he's asked a question, he can reply fast and efficiently leaving a chill to his words that tell everyone he hates him.

If No one stops him. He will just continue to take his anger out of the man who single handedly ruined his life. No one can argue with that right?

Ahhhh and shinsos into is done soon can't wait to start writing this! Now I finished one book and editing another I have free time in my writing schedule! so updates on this book will be slow maybe once every two weeks? Since my ghost deku book is also ongoing too!
Hope you understand!


Song: trouble

Dream on, little dreamer // Shinso, deku, bakugou, Aizawa and hawks: shindeku Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora