Hamster be gone 🐹

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Exchange week was almost over with 2days left...


"OK NO ONE PANICK BUT.....THE SNAKES ARE LOSE" yelled Mr. Holland-our science and chemistry teacher

I looked around frightened 

Sorry but if I'm going down my friends are going down with me so there's no way I'm dieing in science class!

Pretty much all the princesses where on top of the tables screaming except Sofia and one of her friends named Gabby,

I suddenly found my chance to break away.

I slowly opened the door and once closing the door as quietly as possible I rand down the hallway almost trampling most other students in my way.

I made it to the office and yelled 


Several shrikes went around and I got 5 other teachers to come back with me to the science classroom 

Once I arrived everything was back to normal and quiet

" don't worry we handled it" said Sofia and Gabby nodded her head in agreement 

"umm where's Mr.cream puff mcdoodles?" There was a silence as we notice one of the snakes in there container had a lump in himself silence filled the room as we realized that our class pet was just eaten...

"WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" the classroom cried 


here lies Mr.creampuff mcdoodles a classmate said while touching the shoe box softly 

Now let's say our goodbyes..

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