the Summer days have passed

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(Hugo's POV)

as I arrived at the rink 15 minutes before anyone else I waited patiently for Summer,

I told my teacher that I had ice dancing practice and I didn't want to be late, my teacher gave me a pass to exit the school and also wrote down in the attendance journal when I left.

I waited on the bleachers for Summer for about 5 minutes,

"hey Hugo! So what did you want to talk about?" Summer asked enthusiastically

"umm... well... you... see... " I paused and looked up and is it hotter!? Or is it just me... oh gosh my palms are sweaty

"ok um Summer I'm...b-b-b-" I stuttered

"what?" Summer said raising a eyebrow 


I looked up from my fidgeting hands to see Summers expression and it was not pretty...

"YOU WHAT!?" she screeched 

"well.. I umm... sorry??" I said Awkwardly 

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!? HUGO YOU B****" she screamed tears streaming down her face

my eyes widened as she cussed I know I'm not that innocent either because I have cussed many times before but it was so surprising to see Summer do it, she's always seemed like a perfect little angel...

"HUGO YOU"LL REGRET THIS YOU...F***** B****, YOU ALWAYS WERE A STUPID LITTLE *************************************************************************************" 

I just looked at her, I had so idea what to say so what to do so I just started walking back down the bleachers from where we were standing.

I look back at her and say the only thing I can think of...


I'm Dreaming of a White Christmasحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن