Chapter 2: Earth

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(heyyy! so if anyone is reading this. ((which im sure no one even cares)) then here is chapter 2! with school, it takes me loger to type so ((like anyone cares)) it will take longer to write.


Chapter 2: Earth

             After a long time, six months to be exact, Faye and what was left of Flare, entered close to a green and blue planet. Faye looked out, “Earth…finally.” She looked at Flare, “we don’t have much time…I just hope she can help.” Carefully, Faye cloaked her ship so it was invisible. She flew around the Earth and landed in a city called Paris. More into the outer area, there was a large Earth villa with a helicopter pad on top. Faye carefully landed on it and heard someone’s voice coming through, “who’s there?!” Faye hesitated and spoke, “its Faye. I need your help.” After a silent pause, the voice was friendlier and started to lower the helicopter pad, “Faye! It’s been too long! Hold on a second.” The pad lowered as the ceiling closed above her. Her ship was carried to a room deep underground along with two other custom made ships. Faye grabbed Flare’s remaining parts and walked out, greeted by a female Irken with a traditional icy blue colored uniform. She had lightning bolts for the ends of her antennae and the female Irken military symbol on her forehead. Faye smiled and walked with her into the lab, “Rach! I’m glad to see you again.” Rach nodded and stepped through a large door that closed behind them. Ahead of them was a state of the art lab with any tools imaginable. It was a very large room with a huge TV on the far wall for communicating. Rach led her to a table on the right edge of the lab. Faye spread Flare’s body on the table and sighed, “Can you do anything?” Rach studied the robot and felt around the hole that he was shot through. She sighed and shook her head, “I’m so sorry Faye…he was an amazing SIR.” Faye’s antennae drooped as she looked off, her sky blue eyes clouded with tears that she stopped from coming. Rach hesitated and finally broke the silence, “where’s Jax? You too are always together.” Faye couldn’t help it anymore, her tears streamed down her cheeks as Rach hugged her. Faye knew Rach hated hugs, but she only did it to comfort Faye. Rach stopped and held Faye’s hands, “What happened?” After Faye explained what happened, Rach sighed and looked off, “Those blood-thirsty monsters.” She looked back at Faye and frowned, “If they killed Jax, they’ll come for you. You can’t stay here though. You know how the tallest keep me here as a prisoner.” Rach started to look off again. Faye wiped some tears, remembering how Rach was held prisoner for years and finally now lived on Earth with her close boyfriend Ben, and her SIR Crash, who was in love with Ben's SIR Liz. Rach finally spoke and tried to smile, “I know where you can go through.” Faye asked her curiously, “where?” Rach walked over to the TV and punched in some coordinates. On the screen, it showed a small neighborhood with a strange green house. It was unlike the other houses. Rach snapped in front of Faye’s face, “helllooooo?” Faye smiled, “sorry, what?” Rach pointed at an empty area across from the strange house and repeated herself,  “I said, here. It’s empty and no humans should ask. They’re pretty dumb.” She smiled and forced a giggle from Faye. Faye looked up and back to Rach, “perfect. May I ask something?” Rach nodded and turned off the TV screen, “yea sure.” Faye smiled and pointed at the table where Flare was and all the tools, “could you maybe create a SIR for me? A new one…I feel like I need someone to talk to, someone who would protect me.” Rach smiled and walked over, putting on some silver goggles and a drill, “Let’s start.” Faye nodded and joined her in making a new SIR.

(srry this one is a bit short too it's how i write i guess. ((like anyone cares -_-)) hold tight for the next chapter!!! finally with Zim lol)

A New Beginning: Faye's Story[CANCELLED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon