love or mistake ( part 4)

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Shyam take entry to this story who was the best friend oh Rohan and Amia and he never want that Amia and Rohan relationship to be end . And shyam was in doubt that something is wrong with Amia and Rohit ,he start to collect proof that something is there or not in 2 week he come to know that he was right all thing are wrong here Amia is wrong .one day he call Amia and ask is everything ok . Amia said yes what happened Shyam said are you hiding something .she said noo not at all Shyam said are you sure nothing is going between you and Rohit. She said no we are just a friend . Shyam said okk goo I will talk to u latter and he was upset because Amia lie ..
Shyam decided to tell everything to Rohan and he tell everything Rohan was shocked and said I can't believe Amia can't do this noo never I want proof then Shyam show him little much. .then they again call Amia to ask her and Shyam and Rohan was thinking that she will tell everything. But she refused she said nothing like that. Because she don't want to loss Rohan she love him she had done mistake that why she was not tell and Rohan and Shyam was searching proof to show her that she is wrong and she hurt Shyam and Rohan badly
Rohan was crying and he start notice everything in college what Rohit and Amia do then he ask Shyam to now it's over I want to show every proof to her but Shyam said no you can't do this she loves you

And Rohan was standing on the road where he was confused. To choose between love and mistake

He was thinking what I have to chose. . My love or he mistake

Let's see what happened next

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