Winged Angel

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Winged Angel
He was nice
Very gently 
kind to heart
Brave solider 
One of the best
True hero
Saving his friends
Hopping there safe
Fear runs 
like it never did
Doesn't show 
Quite all emotions
He's very calm 
and easy to words
Fighting the dark
Escaping the past
even lies
of him
Being discover 
Something traps him
A cage 
Or himself 
Another side
being him
More another
Person to be
A true him
He's a 
One winged Angel
Screams out
Losing control
not himself
Fighting his might
To be free
Not take over
blocking the truth
as the lies
making him believe 
Either real 
Something to change 
His whole life
the puppy finds out
Discovers the truth
Shocking suprise 
Fighting his friends
Even his close ones
Hurts him more
One winged Angel
Stares at him
Cold eyes
Behind it all
Yelling to run
Leaving him 
Not to hurt him
nor his friends
Too late 
That side 
Took over 
Did the job
He wasn't ready 
ending things
Other way 
Crush him
Torn apart
He destroy 
All the bonds
and memories
Wishes he wasn't
Monster inside 
just be himself 
Not the monster 
refuses to see it
Stands alone
Long sword 
Eyes being blank
lost to his thoughts
Why him?
being the winged Angel
That monster wanted
Evil one 
Evil defeated him
Always hope
for him
ereases his past 
wants everything right
All new 
Still the hope
he's a monster
As they say
By the Angel Wings
He has one
Call him 
One winged Angel
Winged Angel

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