"All of it?" She wondered as her eyes drifted from the neighborhood below towards the tall buildings. "You said we're going there?"

"Yeah! We're going to do a bit of shopping with a few others. I promise they're nice." He said as she clung to him.

"Why are we going shopping?" She asked as Izumi made his way back to the door. The blonde readjusted her before speaking.

"We're gonna get you some new clothes."


"Because yours are ruined."


"Remember when you were bleeding?" He asked as he made his way down the stairs and towards one of the many doors down the hall. She nodded and he continued. "Well they couldn't get the blood out of your clothes, so Kazama was talking about getting you some new one. So I offered to buy some and take you around the city."

"So we're going on an adventure around Mikado city?" She asked.

"Yeah! You remember Amo and Yosuke?"

She nodded as he opened the door. They were in his squadroom. She had remembered the design but quickly climbed onto his shoulder when she saw the scary man again. "Huh?" Izumi gasped before sighing. "Oh this damn fool? Don't worry he's weak and harmless."

"I was only trying to protect us from harm!" The scary man said from his spot on the floor but Izumi silenced him by stomping him into the floor.

"This is my idiot of a teammate, Yuiga. But don't worry about him. If he bothers you again let me know and i'll handle him."

"Now that's cruel." The weirdo said from his spot on the ground.

"Ready to go Izumi?" Yosuke asked as he walked over. Behind him, she saw Miwa and two others that she hadn't met before. Izumi gently ran his hand across her back.

"Don't worry. They're friends of Miwa and Yosuke. That's Narasaka and Kodera. They're part of the Miwa unit." Izumi said.

"Miwa unit? Miwa's...the leader?" She asked as she tilted her head a bit towards the four. Miwa nodded but it was Yosuke that spoke.

"That's right shortie!"

"Didn't know we were bringing your entire team." Izumi said as he leaned over the bit.

"Well, I wanted to introduce them to her. Just in case she'd need any help in the future."

Kamiko smiled slightly as the two brunettes walked up to them. She met the first brunette's gaze. She was amazed with his pretty green eyes. "I'm Narasaka Torhu. It's nice to meet you." He said.

"Your eyes are pretty." She said immediately.

Narasaka looked confused along with Miwa. Izumi and Yosuke chuckled as she climbed over Izumi's shoulder. She held out her hand for him. He shook it and then pointed towards the one with the glasses. "This...is Kodera. He's a sniper like myself." He said.

"Hi!" She said as she felt a warm feeling surge through her. Besides Yugia, everyone was really nice so far. The door opened again and everyone looked towards the person. "Hi Amo." The yellow-eyed boy nodded and waved as she clung to Izumi's shoulder.

"Izumi....You wanted me to come with you?" He asked as he looked down at his hands. She noticed the look he had. He looked a bit shy and flustered. Izumi nodded and turned to him with a smile.

"Yeah. You weren't busy were you?" Izumi's voice sounded a bit different when he spoke to Amo. It was just as soft as whenever he spoke to her directly and for a moment she wondered if that was just his regular speaking tone. She heard something faint behind her and looked back towards the Miwa unit. They, along with Yugia, had a variety of looks as they watched Amo and Izumi. With looks that she hadn't really seen before. The Miwa unit all checked their phones and then Yosuke walked up to them a bit upset.

His Daughter | WORLD TRIGGER FANFICTION REWRITE |Where stories live. Discover now