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Kazama let out an annoyed breath as his team made their way into the secret entrance. Kikuchihara let out a yawn as he handed him the girl. He took her as gently as possible as to not wake her. Utagawa peered over his shoulder to take another look at her.

"I'm glad she was finally able to get some sleep." Utagawa said in a low voice before backing away a bit as to not wake up the girl in his arms. Kazama had to agree if not for his teammates' worry than for her own health. Though he still couldn't account for how long she had been awake prior to just a few hours ago. Though he had a hunch it was at least a week. When the elevator finally came to a stop he rearranged the blanket to cover most of her body and leaned her closer to his chest to keep her hidden as they made their way through the halls.

"So what are we going to say to everyone, sir?" Kikuchihara asked as he put his phone away.


Kikuchihara simply pointed to the girl in his arms. "We don't say anything until I deliver the report. Even then no one is entitled to an answer." He said as Utagawa showed him the time. It was barely one in the morning. There was no way he was letting his teammates walk home at this hour. He himself wasn't going to risk traveling to his own place with a girl in her state. Utagawa pressed in the code and walked into their squadroom. He walked in with Kikuchihara right behind him. They deactivated their triggers and started settling on the couches. Despite earlier complaints, Kikuchihara was the first to fall asleep almost immediately. Utagawa put a blanket over him before falling asleep on the other couch.

He gently laid the girl on the bail-out mat before opening the closet. He pulled out several pillows and a few blankets and placed them right beside her. He placed two of the pillows under his teammate's heads before rearranging his own temporary bed. He stopped when his eyes met hers. The exact same shade of red was staring right back at him. "Did I wake you?" He asked in a low voice, in an effort to not scare her. She looked around the room. He noted her shaking form as she looked back up at him. "Don't worry. You're safe now. We're at Border. You remember what I told you, right?" He asked, kneeling down to her. She nodded and lightly gripped the blanket they had wrapped around her to keep her warm.

"I...It's...a safe place?" She asked. Just like her face, her voice full of pain with each word she muttered. He rubbed soothing circles against her back as she nearly curled over in pain.

"Yeah. You don't have to worry. You just need to rest. We'll handle everything, okay." He said as he stood up and pulled her close as the shaking grew worse. He laid her down on the mattress and wrapped the blanket around her before standing back up. She grabbed one of his fingers and made a whimpering sound. "I'll just be in the other room. I'm going to grab some medicine to help with the pain." He reassured her as he laid her back down. She let go, albeit hesitantly. Kazama walked into the kitchenette and grabbed the painkillers and a knife. Cutting it in half and crushing it into powder. He helped her take the medicine before laying beside her. He pulled another over them as he yawned.

Kamiko curled up against him. He looked down and met her gaze again. Adjusting the pillow a bit, Kazama closed his eyes and continued to rub her back. Her body was a bit rigid and cold. Thankfully she was able to fall back asleep after a few minutes. He lifted his head up a bit and brushed her hair out of her face. Not as injured as the rest of her body thankfully but he did give her a bandage for the cut she had on her cheek. He sighed and laid back down. Letting a yawn escape him before he drifted to sleep with the others.

An hour, at least, had passed before he rose up from the mattress. He slid off the mattress and reached towards the familiar vibrating in his back pocket. Looking at the caller ID, he stood up and answered the call as he made his way outside the squadroom. "Kazama here."

"Yo! Kazama you coming to classes today?" Tachikawa asked with a groan. He looked at the time before deciding to answer. It was almost three in the morning. Why was the idiot calling him now?

"No, we just got back from our mission. There will probably be a meeting with most of the A-ranked captains either today or coming soon." He said as he tried to rub the sleep from his eyes.

"Why would they hold a meeting? Jin said that there's not an invasion coming for at least several days, if not for a month. Did something happen on the mission?" Tachikawa asked, yawning as he heard the man walking about with the phone.

"Yeah but I won't say anything just yet." He said. Telling Tachikawa was like telling the entire A-rank division about any secret that is supposed to be confidential getting spilled into the media.

"Aww! Man you're no fun, Kazama." He said as he heard the shower go on. "Well then I guess I'll see you in a few hours."

"Tachikawa go to class." He sighed.

"You can't make me." The taller boasted aloud.

"I'm not doing your homework if you do." Kazama said and hung up before they could continue bickering. He leaned against the wall and took another deep breath. The day had already started and he was already starting to regret talking to Tachikawa.

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