Chapter 1: The Move

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Shauna's POV

"Shauna Maria Moore, hurry up we have to leave for the airport! Vamonos!"

   "Coming Mama!" I shouted, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and tugging my carryon bag behind me.

  It was our last couple hours in Barcelona before we boarded the dreaded plane that would take me to America.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against America. My mom has told me hundreds of stories about all her adventures she had when she lived there. It's just that... I've lived here my entire life. I have no idea what to expect in this new country.

Two hours later, some woman announced over the intercom that business class boarding for flight 286 to New York City, was now happening. "You ready?" my Papa asked.

  "Yes Papa..." I sighed nervously, "I'm ready."

After eight excruciating hours, the plane finally started to descend below the clouds. The sun was setting and the entire city sparkling, rays of light reflecting on metal and glass. Skyscrapers nearly as tall as the plane was high, were all around me.

  "Shauna look!" My mom pointed excitedly out the window to show the tallest skyscraper of them all, a large spire coming out of the top and hiding behind the clouds, "That's the Empire State Building! Oh and look over there, you can barely see it, but that's the Statue of Liberty!"

  "Wow." I breathed, practically smashing my face against the window to get a better view.
Maybe I was gonna like New York after all.

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