Chapter 5

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"Seriously?" Sophie asked. "Biana's going out with Dex? Wow. That's awesome!"

Keefe cracked up. They were in Havenfield's living room, and both were nestled on the same couch, telling stories. "Yeah." he said. "And Fitz is a single pringle. For now, at least."

Sophie cringed at the name of her ex-boyfriend. "Has he gotten over it yet?" she asked. 

Keefe looked guiltily at the floor. "Sorta...I mean, duh, he's annoyed, but..."

"Yeah." Sophie understood. She stood up, stretched, then ran into the kitchen. Surprise, surprise, Biana was there! 

"Hey Soph." Biana mumbled. "I guess you've heard?" 

Sophie nodded. "And it's absolutely fine if you don't want to talk about it. 

"Thanks Sophie."

Sophie smiled sadly. "No problem. I gotta get back to the living room. Keefe will be wondering where I've gone."

"Keefe?" Biana asked. "What's Keefe doing here?" Sophie failed to hide her heated cheeks.

"He, uh, um...."

"Wait." Biana's eyes widened. "Does that mean you two are...together?"

"Well...yeah, sorta, I guess, yeah."

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