Too much was at stake and if she didn’t have to deal yet, she would take the easy way out and just avoid the situation as long as she could.


To Eva’s dismay as well as Louis’ for that matter though he didn’t know why Melina was still ignoring his calls as she had told him that she forgave him on New Year’s. 

Eva however knew exactly why.

“That stupid girl!” Eva yelled as Kent wrapped his arms around her shoulder. 

“You know Melina is technically older than you.”

Eva huffed at him before leaning into his hug.  “Like that means anything. You would think she’d be jumping for joy that she’s in love with her boyfriend.  But no, she’s avoiding any and all contact she can! What is wrong with her!”

“You know that Melina’s a private and down to earth person. She’s also very hard headed.  She’s probably still trying to wrap her head around the idea that she’s in love with a guy she barely met two months ago.  She was in love with Ethan for more than half her life and then she finally dated Rob in our junior year only for that to crash and burn.  Now she’s dating some celebrity who had her phone hostage. It’s just a lot for her to take in.”

“But she’s in love! That’s supposed to make people ecstatic y saltando, usmát se, zpěv!” Eva exclaimed as she gestured wildly.

“Um, Eva. I think you just jumbled in some Czech because I missed some of your rant there.” Kent said trying to calm his girlfriend down who had a tendency to mix her languages when emotional.  He only knew some Spanish from her own family and his trying to learn the language while in school, so he knew “saltando” meant jumping.  But Czech went way over his head.  “Eva I really don’t think you should meddle.  Melina will figure it out… eventually.” Kent added as he winced because he could read his girlfriend’s expression and knew that this time; his words were going in one ear and out the other. 

“I’m her best friend. We’ve been friends since we could barely waddle. I know her better than most.  Louis’ quite perfect for her! But she’s going to ruin it all! If I could find Rob and throttle him, I would!” Eva waved him off before getting up off the couch to pace.  “I just have to make a few calls…” She muttered. 

“Oh dear,” Kent sighed. 


“Damnit Melina Hanas!” Louis yelled as he furiously texted another message, possibly his four hundredth one for all he knew, but like the rest of the messages, was unreciprocated.  It had been weeks now since the last time he’d hear her voice that wasn’t her damn voicemail!

He glared down at the computer screen where a picture of Melina with Ethan Townsend of all people. One of his fans had tweeted him the link and not being able to resist because it mentioned Melina, he’d opened it.  Only to be greeted with a picture of Melina at the Batting cages with Ethan! Frickin Ethan!

“You can’t back out now!” He yelled before closing his eyes to clench his hair with his hands in frustration.  Melina just couldn’t! They were in this for the long haul and he wasn’t going to lose to some frickin guy she fell in love with when she was six!


Melina glanced up just as the bell went off signaling that someone had just entered the café.  “Ethan,” She said with a smile before grinning as he had his duffle bag over his shoulder.  The two had gotten into the habit of going to the cages to practice for fun since Ethan began his internship in the city. 

“You ready for another round?” He asked grinning as he tossed his baseball all the while grinning at her. 

“Yeah, let me get my bag from the lockers.” Melina replied before hugging Kelly telling her that she’d see her tomorrow. 

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