Chapter 28 ✔️

Start from the beginning

Our special moment gets interrupted by a knock on my window. I turn around to glare at a cheerful Emily before laughing at the situation. I don't know what she's more excited about, the fact that we're home or the fact that she just witnessed Tyler and I lock lips.

" I'll see you tomorrow." Tyler says before leaning in to give me a quick peck.

He kissed me again!

Oh for the love of-

I can't do anything to please you.

You realize you're talking with yourself.

I mentally roll my eyes before stepping out of the car.

The next few days comes and goes. On Monday Tyler met up with me for coffee just before my first class. I was excited and nervous at the same time to see him. What if he waits another week to kiss me or what if he acts like it isn't that big of a deal or - my questions were answered when he greeted me with a slow and passionate kiss. I didn't mind the little crowd around us. His lips were on mine and that's the only thing I was focused on. He then continued to hold my hand and he even grabbed my behind when he saw a guy looking my way. Like I said, I didn't mind because I at least know in which way we are headed.

I felt like I was drowning under all the assignments that were due before heading off for Thanksgiving . It's crazy how much work gets thrown our way in a short period of time. I didn't get to see much of Tyler throughout the rest of the day because he too was busy fighting for his breath under all the pressure from the assignments. Emily also announced that she finally booked a beach house for our little getaway at the end of the year. According to her it's a huge 5 bedroom house looking right over the beach. We will be living there from the 27th of December till the 4th of January. I know I just came back from a trip with Tyler but this time we will be going with a group of friends and we won't have to worry about anything besides having fun.

On Tuesday Tyler picked me up bright and early for a sunrise session and we had one of our infamous deep conversations. I don't care if I was woken up by Tyler again. I'll sacrifice my sleep any day for a session like this. It's our safe zone. It's where we are allowed to forget about the rest and just focus on each other's mental health. Emily also approached me later on in the day, begging me to come with for Thanksgiving. She doesn't want to sit 8 hours in a car with no company. She already called her mom and told her she won't be coming home even before I agreed to let her come with. I don't mind her tagging along. More people to take the attention off from me. My period also decided to show up and to make matters worse, Emily's period decided to join the party. We were two cranky girls packing for the trip. Poor Ashton and Tyler had no idea what was waiting for them. They only came by to say hello before they disappeared out of the room. It was a wise choice. Zac came over with comfort food and a new playlist he made for such circumstances. We appreciated it a lot and spent the rest of the day eating our weight and catching up.

Finally Wednesday arrived and I only had one class before we could drive off to my hometown. Mom already called me bright and early to make sure we are still staying for the next 4 nights. She didn't mention anything about my dad so I'm just assuming that he isn't going to be there. What a big surprise. Not. I also asked her to take down any photos of her because I don't want Tyler or Emily asking questions that I'm not ready to answer. All in all everything seems to be in place for the awaited weekend.

" Hey babe." Tyler greets just as I walk out of my class.

He swings his arm around my waist and pulls me in for a soft kiss before giving my hips a light squeeze and flashing me a mouth watering smile.

" What's got you in such a good mood?" I question as he takes my hand in his and we start making our way over to my building.

" I'm just excited to spend these next few days with you." he winks.

" And my mom and of course Emily." I add to burst his little bubble.

I know he wants some alone time with me. I do too. All week he has been more affectionate and I can feel the obvious sexuel tension between us. It's no secret that I'm no longer a virgin and I'm not trying to sound too cheesy when I say that I want to wait because I don't want it to be just sex. For the first time in like forever I actually want to feel something more when having sex besides lust. This whole thing between me and Tyler is different from what I've experienced before so why can't the sex be the same? I don't know what his intentions are though. Maybe he just wants to have sex and get it over with to move on to another girl? I'll just have to wait and see and pray that he's not just putting on a good act.

" Most people unlock a door before they step inside." Tyler chuckles from next to me.

I snap out of my deep thoughts and realize that we are in front of my dorm. That went fast.

" Shut up." I laugh and punch him playfully in the arm.

Tyler gives me a quick kiss goodbye before heading off to his place to grab his stuff before he comes back to meet us at my car. I decided that it would be best to take one car and that I'll drive seeing as I know the route. We all agreed to leave around noon so that we won't miss much of the day once we arrive in my hometown. I'd love to show them around. I just pray we don't bump into anyone I know.

" Road trip!" Emily yells from the backseat as I pull out of the parking lot.

" How come you didn't go with Ashton to his parents?" I question Emily as I turn down the music a little so that I can hear her.

" He doesn't think it's the right time to meet his parents. We've only been dating for less than 2 months so I understand." she shrugs.

I already met Tyler's parents and we aren't even official.

" At least you got us." Tyler states from the passenger seat. He turns around to give Emily a fist bump before focusing his attention back on me.

" So anything we should be warned about before we step into your house?" Tyler asks jokingly but it's actually a really serious question.

" Well my mom loves to talk about medical stuff but she hates it when people use slang words. Don't joke about politics, don't swear, don't talk about sports because she doesn't care about it, don't laugh too hard, don't make sexist jokes and don't deny any food she gives you, don't bring up celebrities, don't talk about relationships and don't forget to say 'thank you'. " I say in a flat tone.

I turn to look at two worried faces staring back at me.

That's my mother for you.

" 'Don't worry' you said, right? . " I question Tyler as I watch him gulp.



Thank you for 40k!!!!! This is amazing 😍

Peace out ✌️

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