Scene 9

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HOLLY(V.O) My sister Elizabeth met the man in London a few days before my own wedding. She continued to meet with him until they got married themselves, years later. Sure it was a bit unorthodox but I thought they looked cute together. Until....


Holly opens the door to find a postal worker giving her an express letter. Her eyes open wide open as soon as she read the letter.

HOLLY(V.O.) day, I got a letter from her saying she's taken ill. My husband and I immediately packed up our things and rushed over there.


Jon opens the door and Holly marches in. Placing her suitcase at the entrance, she goes up the stairs.  Not even noticing a solemn Henry siting in a corner.

HOLLY(V.O.) Once we arrived the door was strangely unlocked. I then speed up the stairs.


HOLLY(V.O.)I then went up the stairs to find my sister was indeed extremely ill. We talked and talked for hours. Even when sick she still tired to make me smile.

Creak. Their heads turn to the door. In the door frame, Henry stood their unable to tear his eyes away from the floor. 

HOLLY(V.O.) However, he walked into the room and ask to leave for a quick tic. He needed to talk to Elizabeth about something extremely private. I hated it. I hated that I had to leave her but I did just that.

Holly and Jon were now on the other side of the locked door. They bring ther ears to the door. Nothing. Holly then looks through the little key hole. Nothing. Walking down the stair through a curtain and into a kitchen, Holly looks for a glass cup in the cupboard.  Back up the stairs, she and Jon places the cup between the door and their ears. Nothing.

HOLLY(V.O.)Then the next day he just left. No one knew why but two weeks later he returned at the worst possible time when my sister's funeral was hours earlier. And all he had to show for it was a bloody spider in a jar! Sorry for yelling.

ANDREW. It's okay.

HOLLY(V.O). Anyway, everyone started to scream and yell to find out why he left. 

Holly's family engulf him as angry silhouettes. Henry stood completely still. The only reaction he could mustard was that his left eye started to twitch before fell unconscious. 

HOLLY(V.O.) But we never did because the bloody coward fainted.

The dropped jar shattered onto the ground and the little greyish spider slowly crept out of the wreckage. The funeral crowd had propped Henry on the couch.  

HOLLY(V.O.) When he came to he said he couldn't remember a thing. 

Holly stood still with her left eye twitching. Before she quickly lunges at Henry with her clawed hands aiming for his face and/or neck while her family tries to prevent a second funeral. 

HOLLY(V.O.) So we sent him away to the mental insinuation.

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