"They all still think I'm a sweet little kitten I'm not going to shatter that illusion." Alejandro smiled to himself. Despite being at least three years older, Rhaj's friends had a tendency to baby him, and he absolutely reveled in it.

"Anyway, you're the one that had one too many tequila's last time we were at theirs and ended up in ER after you tried to death drop from the kitchen bench. We were the sensible ones."

Alejandro cackled at the memory as Kali spoke. Tequila-Jaymes was his favourite.

"Shut up." Jaymes hissed with a pout. That wasn't even funny; he got a concussion from that night he literally could have died. "If you see anyone offer me a shot be good lovers and do it for me."

"We'd rather watch you suffer." Alejandro muttered with a butter-wouldn't melt-smile on his lips as the taxi finally pulled up at Rhaj and Mei's place. There was no booming music, no gathering of people smoking outside of the front door, and he was pretty sure he could see an afternoon tea style cake stand through the window. This was going to be fucking boring, he could just sense it.

"I wonder why they're making such a big deal of this." Kali mused as they walked up the path. There seemed to be a fair few people here already, Mei and Rhaj didn't really do big parties very often, unless it was one of their birthdays. But it was September. Those were both way off.

"Maybe they just want to be sociable." Jaymes rolled his eyes as he pressed the doorbell. Why were his lovers so goddamn suspicious?

"Oh my god, hi!" Alejandro flinched as the door opened and Mei all but squawked at them. Here we go. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"What's this surprise, then?" Jaymes asked with a soft laugh as Mei's arms wrapped around his waist, reciprocating the hug.

"You'll find out later. Help yourself to drinks and food for now, but don't you dare get drunk. If you ruin this for me I swear to g-"

"He already has us on shot duty, don't worry. He's not getting a single drop of tequila tonight." Kali smiled, giving Mei a hug of her own, knowing that was exactly what her bestfriend was waiting for.

"Okay, good. Because I want tonight to be memorable. And not because we had to phone you an ambulance." Rhaj smirked, sending Jaymes a pointed look as he wrapped a reluctant Kali up in his arms.

"I wish he'd just tell us what it is already, I hate surprises." Alejandro huffed as they flounced off to socialise with some of his other guests. He couldn't be bothered with the suspense of the waiting around. He'd rather just know and then he'd be able to get on with enjoying himself.

"Stop being such a moody baby." Jaymes reached up on his toes slightly to press a kiss to the taller boy's cheek. "Let's go get some food."

Alejandro let Jaymes drag him off to the kitchen, fingers looping around Kali's wrist, urging her to come along with them.

Honestly, they were lucky to have the friends they did. Really lucky.

In the beginning it was hard for some of them to understand, the whole second threesome thing, and not all of them accepted Alejandro. They found it kind of...disgusting, almost.

But the majority of their friends welcomed the change. They may have been confused at first, but they looked past that, because it was obvious how happy Kali and Jaymes were now Alejandro was in their lives. It may not be conventional, but what did that matter?

Over time the three of them learnt to cut toxic people out of their lives, to surround themselves with friends who loved and supported them. They may have sacrificed their friendships with a few closed minded people they had once been close with, but it resulted in them being able to act like anyone else in a relationship could. They could hold hands and kiss and cuddle in front of their friends, all three of them. They didn't have to feel uncomfortable because they knew they weren't making other people uncomfortable.

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