Chapter 9

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Yoongi drives towards Taehyung's house to pick up Namjoon, Jungkook and Hoseok, the three were in Taehyung's house to be with their dates

Well good for the three that they're together with the person they like, unlike Yoongi who never even got the chance to hug or kiss the other before Jimin run away.

Yoongi knocks on the door, Taehyung's the one who open it and instantly pull him inside

"Woah woah woah"

Shock was an understatement when he saw his friends, with Jimin's friends all standing outside a room.

"What's happening?"

"Hyung, did you do something to Jimin?" Hoseok asked

"No. He just suddenly run away from me when he saw me. I thought he thinks that I'm ugly or look like a murderer" Yoongi chuckles, even though he feel a pang in his heart thinking that Jimin didn't like his physical features

"Are you sure Yoongi?" Jin asked when Yoongi just nodded

"Wait- How do you know Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon asked

"Well Yoongi is-"

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