Chapter 6

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Jimin chuckles at the reply of the other

'Yes babe?'

And in just a few minutes the other calls him

"Y-you c-call m-me b-babe, right? You really did right? Please tell me I'm not hallucinating" Jimin laughs

"I wrote a whole paragraph and you just saw the babe part? *chuckles* Yes babe. You're cute while stuttering at the text but you're even cuter when I heard how you stutter"

Jimin got no reply on the other line


"I-I'm sorry I'm just shock and I don't really know what I'm feeling right now"

Jimin chuckles on how cute the other stutter

"Can I ask for your name babe?" Jimin asked slowly

"Oh right. How about we meet then I'll introduce myself properly, yeah?"

Jimin smiles and agree.

They'll meet on a place where there's a lot of people. Yoongi suggested it so that Jimin will feel secure that he's not a murderer or a robber, Jimin laugh at that saying that he knows the other weren't any of that.

Well he really isn't one of it but, he was worst.

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