Masamune Takano x Onodera Ritsu

437 15 2

In Another Life

Takano's POV:

10 years, 10 years since I last heard his laugh, seen his smile, and felt his warm embrace. Its been 10 years of sadness. 10 years since he died of a terminal illness.


Life was difficult when Ritsu died because we were supposed to get married and I wasn't even there to be by his side during his final day, I was working so much so that I could support him and our adopted child but when I received the news that he died, I immediately rushed to the hospital and there I saw our son, Kisumi, who was five years old at that time, waking him up but he wasn't responding.

And there I stood frozen at the door, looking on what's happening. I was devastated that I wasn't there to say goodbye and I love you. I grabbed Kisumi amd hugged him so tight.

"Dad, why is daddy not waking up. Its time for him to eat and watch cartoons with me." he said

When I heard that, the tears I have been holding back for so long just bursted right at me.

I cried so hard, I just only looked at Ritsu, who was no longer here.

"Dad, daddy is only sleeping, he will wake up soon" Kisumi said

I called one of the doctors and said that Ritsu already died so that his body may be moved somewhere else.

When some doctors and nurses arrived at the room, they checked if he still has a pulse but of course, his heart stopped beating. After them checking, they moved him into another room.

Kisumi was asleep that time so he didn't saw that his daddy's body was there no more. Then we went home, I tucked Kisumi in for the night and I stayed up all night drinking and crying because I can no longer see his smile.

After four days, we had a funeral for Ritsu before we buried him. All of our co workers where there, his parents and mine. All of us were grieving at our loss. When the night came in, people left and said there condolences and I stood infront of his casket and said, "In another life, I'll find you and love you."

End of Flashback

I arrived at the cemetery and went to his tombstone, I picked up the old flowers that I put before and placed some fresh flowers.

"Its been 10 long years Ritsu, I can't believe that I lost you 10 years ago."

"Kisumi is turing 15 this year, I've always imagined that we will be complete in every birthday our son has but we're not."

I felt my eyes watering because I couldn't accept up until today that he isn't here anymore.

"You're the only person that I'll love, the only person that will have my heart and my heart died with you."

"I'm so sorry that I wasn't there by your side when you died, I should've just stayed put and took care of you but I didn't"

I kneeled down and kissed the tombstone and said.

"You remember what I said during your funeral, I promise that. In another life, it will always be you."

Then I cried my eyes out, praying to God that I'll see him again, that I can finally kiss and hug him again.

After a few hours, I stood up and said my farewell and went home. I got home and saw our son cooking some food.

"I'm home" I said

"You went to daddy's tombstone, right?" he asked

"I did"

"You eating tonight?"

"I already ate"

"I'm going to bed, goodnight Kisumi"

"Goodnight dad"

I went upstairs and changed clothes, laid down and I was still thinking about the future that we could've had.

I stretched my left arm and saw the ring that he gave me 10 years ago.

"Wait for me, okay?"

Then I finally went to sleep.

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