After I take a sip, I look at the two men once again and see that Ryland has a wonderful grin while Ryden has a small, pleased smile. I feel happy that I was able to bring a smile to their faces, but I know that if I stay, that happiness wont last.

I still wont drink a lot of my drink because I need to keep my wits about me but at least it gives me something to do with my hands. We continue to sit in silence for a little longer. The tension in the room beings to slowly rise more and more and none of say anything. I dont want to start the conversation because Im still thinking about everything that has happened in the past few hours.

What am I supposed to do? I cant stay here with these two men. They deserve so much more than me. Not to mention that if Im their mate that would make me the Lune. Oh no. I really cant do that. I am not the type of person to rule over a kingdom. I am my own person who follows my nose and goes where I think I am needed. I havent had any real responsibility for anyone or anything else other than myself and my goals.

I cant think this much while sitting. I feel like I need to stand up and pace to get my head in order. Before I can even think about trying to get up again, my train of thought is broken by one of the two men sitting with me asking me something, but I was too in my head to hear.

Pardon? I ask looking up into Ryland who just smiles but has a slight look of worry in his eyes.

I asked what your favourite colour is? he repeats his question.

I think about it for a moment, I have always found it hard to choose between green and blue. Those two colours have always been my favourite. Well, expect for when I was really little, at that age I was obsessed with the colour pink. But now I love all shades of blue and green. I probably should divert the conversation away from my but against my better judgement, I reply.

Shades of green and blue I pause for a moment now lets avoid me and talk about you two What about you two? I ask.

I dont know where this conversation is heading but Im going to try to keep it light and preferably off me.

Rydens reply comes from behind me black and then Ryland answers me sunset orange.

Those are nice colours although some may argue that black is a shade not a colour. Its kind of interesting actually because often people who like black are the most creative. I wonder if they play any instruments or paint or even draw. But then reality sets in and I know that as much as I want to get to know these two. I need to keep my distance.

I look up at Ryden and Ryland then build up the courage and ask, can I please stand up? all this thinking is getting too much while sitting in Rydens lap. I need my space. I know its a bit of a long shot and he will probably say no, to which I will get up my own way, but Id rather try to be polite first.

As soon as the question leaves my lips, Rydens hands tighten on my waist and I hear a low growl come from both of them. Oops. I look at both of them and I think they see something because they seem to halt their outright refusal and Ryland asks Why?

Okay. We are getting somewhere. I just need some space to think I reply and then continue Ill just sit on the other couch trying to seem reasonable. Even though I would rather sit on this couch – its safer – it has two Alpha males that are apparently my mates so the other couch will have to do.

They seem to think about my reply and as soon as I feel Rydens hands loosen a little bit I am on my feet, taking a few steps away from them. I didnt realise how tense I was until now. I feel like I can finally breathe.

I was so focused on getting some distance and just catching my breath I didnt notice how many steps I took away from the two werewolves until I hear them growl out my name. I quickly turn around and notice my mistake and see two very displeased alphas that look like they are just about ready to grab me and never let me go. I am quick to right my mistake.

I whisper out my apologies while I quickly sit down on the other couch, on the cushion furthest from them. They dont seem very happy about that but seem to calm down a bit. Oops. Trying to further diffuse their anger, I ask Whats going to happen to all my stuff back at the cottage?

My idea seems to work as they sit back down on their couch and Ryden answers We will get some maids to go and collect your belongings for you tomorrow morning. Ryland continues for Ryden. So, we can spend the night together and dont have to get of bed until we feel like it

Although Rylands idea doesnt seem too bad, the look in his eye and the smirk on his face tells me he doesnt really plan on us sleeping the night. And whats more concerning to me is that Ryden has a similar look in his eye.

Oh goodness no. Divert! Divert! My mid is screaming at me. and I couldnt agree more with it. Clearing my throat, I try to reason with them. I would rather I go and pack my belongings myself; I dont want anything getting damaged and want to make sure nothing is missed. It would also give me a chance to say tell Maria and Steven the news about what happened tonight.

They seem to genuinely consider what I have to say and eventually I get a reply from Ryden Okay then, we will go tomorrow morning to collect your belongings and to say goodbye but you will sleep with is tonight

I look between the two werewolves in front of me. Rydens voice leaves no room for negotiation and the look on Rylands face shows that he is in the same boat as Ryden. His words spark an anger in me that I have become very accustom to feeling. They think Im going to kneel to their every command, but they are in for a rude awakening. I will not sleep in the same bed as them for as long as I can stop, and I will never be intimate with them or anyone for that matter. I am a stubborn woman and I will not back down on this.

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