Depth of the Situation

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'Tripp is dead.' Those 3 words were all Jemma could think about on the silent trip back to the base. Being a scientist and all, Jemma was almost constantly thinking about some form of science... that and Fitz. It wasn't until right before the accident she had noticed how much she thought of Fitz. Whether her mind was replaying memories, or thinking of something totally random, they always led back to FItz. During that dreadful trip back, she thought about her feeling for Fitz.

She had come up with her answer to everything...

Jemma was interrupted when Skye came over to where she was sitting and sat next to her. Jemma was briefly confused about why the young hacker had enveloped her in a hug. Then she realized the burning of her eyes, and the sensation of hot, salty tears down her cheeks.

"I miss him... Why did i have to be him?," Jemma asked.

"I don't know," replied Skye. Skye's voice cracked at the end of that because she, too, had been crying.

Jemma just sat there in Skye's great, massive, comforting bear hug for many minutes. She needed the comfort of another human soul. Everything was falling around them. It hasn't gotten better since S.H.I.E.L.D fell...

"I love him," she started.

"Wait. Who? Tripp or Fitz?" The confusion in the hacker's voice caused Jemma to put out a small smile.

"Fitz. But you already knew that," Simmons said in a jokingly manner. "I tried to tell him. I tried to fix what was broken, but it's just getting worse." Pause "He's leaving the lab to go work with Mack in the garage!" Her tone and volume had risen, and the words came fast and a little sloppy. 

"Wait," started Skye. "You're telling me that Fitz is leaving the lab to go work with Mack!"

"Is that not what I just said," huffed Simmons. 

Skye stood up quickly and started pacing. 

"No, no, no! What an idiot. FItz is a complete idiot! He told me he was going to tell you that he loved you! Not tell you he was leaving!"

Skye put her hand over her mouth as soon as the words left her mouth. She turned to walk out of the area, but Simmons grabbed her and spun her around.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Nada. Nope. I totally didn't say Fitz told me he loved you," said an overwhelmed Skye.

"Ha, and they call me the worst liar.." Simmons studied Skye's actions and mood before continuing. "When did Fitz tell you he loved me. And if he said that, why the bloody hell is he leaving me alone."

"I talked to him a few hours after I talked to you. He said you would never understand him again, and that he should just give up on loving you. I almost slapped him right there for his stupidity! I told him how miserable you are without him and that you love him back..." Skye looked down at her boots. "I guess he didn't believe me. Either that or he's too scared to tell you. I guess that's what happened."

"What do I do now, Skye?" Simmons started crying again.

"Simmons look at me."

The two women made deep eye contact and Skye could of sworn she could physically see all the sadness in Simmon's eyes.

"You both love each other. You both told me that! Someone just needs to make the first move. Ovbiously, Fitz was just scared a few hours ago. He just needs to know how to feel. This time be blunt. Everythings gonna be okay, ok?"

"Ok," replied Simmons.

"When we land you're gonna go find him and fix this all, right?"


Right at that moment, almost like a movie, May's voice came over the intercom.

"Arriving in 10. Strap up."

Skye gave Jemma one last hug before securing all their gear and strapping in.

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