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Felicity storm gilbert
18 years old
Born July 14, 1991
Red hair
Blue eyes

  Felicity is Elena and Jeremy's older sister, her best friend is Caroline Forbes. Felicity and Caroline don't like Elena or Bonnie, Caroline only pretends too so she can keep an eye on Elena for Felicity while she's at university. Elena and bonnie think Caroline just an air head. As if. They don't like bonnie because of how rude and judgemental she acts towards them and even though felicity loves her sister she doesn't really get along with her because she's a manipulative crybaby.

  Felicity graduated high school at 16, she could've graduated earlier but didn't want to leave Caroline, after she graduated she left for university in the UK. From spending almost two years in the UK she has developed a slight British accent

  Felicity learned about the supernatural when she was 5, that's when the dreams started, where mother nature started her training, where she learned what she was. She is one of mother natures blessed, as mother nature only blesses a couple mortals every hundred years, they are very rare. Natures blessed can use all kinds of nature magic, control the elements and they can also use spirit magic like the normal wiccan they just have much more power.

  Felicity told Caroline about the supernatural right after she found out and Caroline believed her since she was only 4 at the time. When Caroline was 14 and Felicity was 15 they got tattoos with vervain mixed in as a precaution. Felicity already has a tattoo like birthmark of a puzzle piece on her right ankle, she was born with. The mother told her it's her future soulmate Mark she won't be able to find them until she is 19 but if she meets them before then her tattoo will fill from a puzzle piece outline to a bold black tattoo.

  Felicity is now going home again she came home for her parents funeral of course. But she wanted to come back permanently so she had to fly back for a couple of weeks to get her stuff from her dorm room packed up and sent home while she talks to the university dean about dropping out since she has already earned two degrees, one in the culinary arts and the other in business. She plans to open up a small business back in her home town.

Felicity's tattoos

Her soulmate tattoo

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Her soulmate tattoo

Her soulmate tattoo

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Her vervain tattoo. It symbolizes Elena as the sun and Jeremy as the waves.

Caroline vervain tattoo

It means she can always find love where ever she is

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It means she can always find love where ever she is


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