Spencer Reid X Reader (Anxiety attack part 2)

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Your POV:

You and Spencer had built a fort and sat in it and watched Disney movies all day. It was getting late and you knew He had to leave soon. You looked down at your lap think about the fun you had and suddenly thought about before Spencer came over. You remembered how you got into an argument with your boyfriend over you having been sick for a few days and missing work. He fussed at you because that was less money on your paycheck which meant less money to go into savings for the things you and him needed. You then remembered how he said that you were faking and had a few anxiety attacks while he was still fussing at you. He wasn't abusive but he had gotten upset and was stressed and accidentally let it out on you. You began to cry and hope that he wouldn't leave you because of the argument. You began to have an issue breathing because of the on coming anxiety attack and curled up into a ball breathing heavily. Spencer didn't know because he was in the bathroom. Eventually you lost all sense of control and had a full blown anxiety attack.

Spencer's POV:

I made my way back to the living room after using the restroom and found (n/n) curled up in a ball having an attack. I quickly ran over to her and sat down next to her.

"(N/n)?" I said softly so she would know I was there.

I didn't want to just grab her because I didn't want to make it worse. I usually let her hug me when she was ready to be helped. She eventually grabbed my hand and put it to her chest hugging it as she laid on the floor in the pile of covers we had there. I slowly laid down and pulled her to my chest and started counting slowly and did our calming routine for when she had attacks.

It took her a moment but she eventually started calming down.

"Do you want to talk?" I asked softly as she continued to do the breathing technique.

She shook her head and curled up more into my arms.

"Do you want me to stay the night?" I asked as I hugged her.

She nodded. I carefully pulled the covers over the both of us and let her fall asleep in my arms.

~baby time skip~

It had been a few hours since (n/n) had fallen asleep and I had gotten up to get me something to drink when I heard a knock at the door. I went over to it and opened it slightly to she her boyfriend at the door.

"Is (y/n) here?" He asked as I opened the door enough for me to slip out of and shut the door behind me.

"Yeah, she's asleep though. She had another attack a few hours ago. Mind telling me what caused her to have the attacks today omg the first place?" I asked as I leaned against the door frame.

"I accidentally let my anger out on her when she told me she missed two days of work due to being sick. I got upset because her paycheck was not gonna be as much as it normally is and that meant less to go into savings for us a house in the future. I didn't mean to yell at her. I've been so stressed because I haven't seen my kid in a while and it's taking its toll on me. I didn't put a hand on her if you are wondering. I'd never do that." Her boyfriend said as he sat on the chair on her porch. "I'm so stressed and I guess I finally broke and I didn't mean to take it out on her."

"I'm sorry. I'm glad you didn't touch her and hurt her physically. Even though you were mad you did a good job at controlling yourself. Not many men can do that." I said sitting in the other chair.

"Yeah, I know not to put my hands on other people like that. My mother raised me to respect women. Heck she told me that if I ever put a hand on (y/n) and hurt her that she'd beat my ass. She sees her as her daughter and that makes me happy." He said as he sighed. "Well as long as she's ok then that's good. Do you mind telling her I came by to check on her?"

"Yeah. I'll let her know. Thanks for coming by. She'll be happy to know that you aren't mad with her." I said standing up.

"Thank you Spencer. It means a lot. I'm glad she has you as a brother figure. She has someone to go to when I can't help her at times." He said as he stood up.

"No problem. Get home safely and message me so I know you got there safe and so I can let (n/n) know you got home safe." I said as I opened the door.

"I will. Thank you again." He said as he left.

I went inside and grabbed my drink from the kitchen and went back to the living room and laid back next to (n/n) and cuddled her till her boyfriend texted me he was home safe. I then fell asleep knowing that she was safe and that her boyfriend was safe as well.

Thank you for reading. I'm feeling a lot better than I did earlier and that's good. I was able to cuddle my boyfriend and fall asleep in his arms.

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