Spencer Reid x reader part 2

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Your pov:

You sat on your couch still listening to music not caring anymore. You just wanted everything to stop. You lost everything. You lost the guy you had loved for over a year to a girl you thought was your "sister" but turned out she wasn't. You still couldn't comprehend her saying you abused your ex. Yeah you played around with him when you were together but not in an abusive way. Or at least you hoped not. He would have told you if you were abusing him wouldn't he?

You couldn't help but cry so hard to the point that you shook and curled up into a ball.

You cried as you thought of your ex, your friend being with him. Everything you loved was gone and nothing was able to fix the hatred you had for them. You just wanted to forget them. Forget everything.

~10 minutes later~

You were still curled up on your couch crying and shaking. You hadn't noticed your door open and definitely hadn't noticed Spencer come in and quietly set the stuff down. One look at you and his heart broke into a million pieces.

Spencer's pov:

I unlocked (y/n)'s front door and walked in. I set the stuff I had bought down and looked at (y/n) curled up on her couch crying. It broke my heart to see her like this. To see her hurt. Who could have done this to such a sweet girl.

I slowly walked over to her and sat on the floor in front of the couch and softly ran my fingers through her hair to help calm her down.

I leaned against the couch still running my fingers through her hair waiting for her to calm down.

"(n/n)?" I said softly as she finally calmed down.

"Spence?" She said looking up with sad eyes.

"You ok?" I asked as she looked away sitting up.

"No. (X/n) cheated on me." She said as I got up and sat next to her.

"Oh. I'm sorry (n/n). If he did that then he didn't deserve you. You're so precious and deserve so much better than him. He made his choice and now he has to live with it." I said as I pulled her into a hug.

"Did you know that 95% of the people who cheat feel insecure about themselves so they try to find someone else to make themselves feel better?" (I just randomly came up with that so please don't badger me about it being wrong please.) I said as she hugged me back.

"Seriously Spence? You're gonna start talking about cheaters using statistics?" She ask looking up at me.

"Sorry. Bad habit." I said with a chuckle.

"It's ok." She said softly as she looked around the room and noticed the bags.

"What's that?" She asked pointing at the bags.

"Oh. It's just some small things I bought for you." I said with a blush.

"Aw Spence you didn't have to." She said getting up and grabbing the bags and opening them to find her favorite candy and a small red dragon plush.

"Thanks Spencer! It's so cute!" She said as she set the dragon down on the table then leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed with my mouth slightly ajar. I finally came out of my daze a few minutes later.

"(Y/n) do you want to go grab some coffee or something?" I asked looking at her.

"Hmm. Sure!" She said standing up running to her room and changing. She came back out with a clean shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. I smiled at her as she put on a pair of red high top Converse and grabbed her small bag she used for a purse.

"Come on then boy genius." She said as she opened the door and waited for me. I laughed as I got up and left her house.

~a year later~

Your pov:

It had been a year since that day Spencer had came to your house and calmed you down. You had just finished a case and you guys were on the jet back to the BAU HQ when Spencer sat next to you.

"Hey (n/n), can I ask you something?" He asked quietly.

"Sure. What's up?" You asked back with the same quietness.

"Do you want to go on a date with me tonight?" He asked playing with his hands.

"Sure Spencer. I'd love to." You said with a smile and kissed him on the cheek.

Writer pov:

After the date you two kissed and started dating. Spencer made you happy and you made him happy as well.

Hey everyone! Thanks so much for reading my Spencer Reid x Reader imagine. I have others planned and I am taking request.

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