Chapter 1 || The Letter

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__Jared's POV__

I'm Jared Afton. I have a younger sister named Lucia. I'm an Afton due to being the adoptive son of Michael Afton and his husband Lukas. I call them both dad like any other child with gay parents. I have an aunt named Rosalind, she was on dad's (Lukas) side. I don't have relatives on dad's (Michael) side because they died.

I remember, when I was younger, our dads would tell us this story of daddy saving papa from an evil insane woman. (Lukas: Daddy; Michael: Papa). As a young boy, I was quite gullible. But now I know it's just a story to entertain us when we'd go to sleep.

Despite this, my dads would insist it's true, but I know they're just teasing. Even Lucia believes it!

I continued being on my side until that fateful day.

It happened during the weekend. I woke up and saw Dad and papa arguing about an envelope.

"We can't just leave them alone Michael!"

"Then we'll get a babysitter! No need to be dramatic! Just call Rosalind over!"

" What's going on?" I ask.

" Son, your father and I have an invitation to a business trip, and we will be gone, let's say for a week. We'll have to invite your aunt over to take care of you two." Dad explains.

I nod. This was understandable, I had no reason to look more into it...But yet I did. And That caused me to go on a thrilling adventure that I will never forget.

Why did I look into this? Well, dads would hide the letter's contents form us and even hide it! Which was just strange for a business letter.

When aunt Rosie came over a day early, we told her about it cause she was trustworthy.

" Indeed, that is weird..." She tells us as we were in our bedroom.

" So what do you think is going on?" Lucia asks.

" In my opinion, they're hiding something from you," Aunt Rosie says.

"Secrets?! Ooooh, I wanna know!!!" Lucia exclaims.

" Here's what we'll do: I'll distract your dads while you guys steal the letter."

" But where would the letter be?" I ask.

" Obviously in your dads' room." Aunt Rosie replies.

Somehow I agreed to the plan and we accomplished so. Lucia and I found the letter and this is what was written. It was not a business letter at all.

Dear Lukas and Michael,

Something wrong happened. Recently I have learned that remaining animatronics have been venturing in the city. I have created a pizzeria to trap them. But I can't do this alone. My body is too old. I need your help. Please send me a reply if you can.


Henry was an old friend of Grandpa William. He was quite old but he managed to visit sometimes and we would call him uncle.

Animatronics? What are those? And what does a pizzeria have to do with that?

"It's a secret mission! I wanna attend!" Lucia exclaims.

"We can't Lucia! It might be dangerous!" I tell her.

My sister continued to plead and plead that we should go. We told Rosie and she told us this:

"I was at your age Lucia, when I went on a dangerous adventure with Lukas. You can learn a lot form adventures like these. I know it sounds stupid and make it sound like I'm not a good aunt, but...I say go for it!" She exclaims, putting her fist in the air. "But we need to find a way for your parents to not find out." She puts her hand under her chin, as she rubbed it, she started to think.

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