Adoption Form

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Hi I no longer feel inspire to write at all but I feel as though in a little I will be able to continue but not with both stories so I'm putting this up for adoption.

I want to know that the person I'm giving this to will try and all you have to do is private message me something which I will get into in a little.

The story I'm continuing might as well be put up for adoption but not until I think I cant continue writing stories anymore.

I was going to go Haitus but I knew I would never finish either if them if I had to worry about two seperate stories.

I want to write and finish a story before I start another and I decided that I have more motivation for my other story named 'You didn't love me...Thanks'

What you will need to send me is your interpretation of what would happen during this.

It has to be one paragraph/3 sentences or more to qualify for this.  The idea is...


Izuku is about to be raped by a gang leader while the other members of his gang are looking for him.

Is Izuku saved in time and not go through the trauma or do you want to have an angst filled book.

That's the idea you have to send in your style and also please be imaginative.


I will give a summary of the end I thought of right below.

Kaminari had died in the gang break in and Kirishima had survived the story would continue after a while of story development and Kirishima would have gone and moved to America to become a hero as for Izuku he went to America 2 years after Kirishima had left so that he could surprise and live with him, but Kirishima had died in a villian attack and Deku was left alone. Shinsou and Monoma were in an abusive relationship and deku had been living with them before so he had no where else to go to.  So deku went to Kirishima and Denkis graves which were next to each other back in Japan.  Midoriya noticed that the random number that had called him was the hospital and he played the voice mails left by them from a year ago pulls in his hand.

"Izuku Midoriya, Ejiro Kirishima was in a Villain fight on Saturday March 18th, and came in on Sunday March 19th at 1:04 am by Pro Hero Ground Zero. We would like if you could come to the hospital as Red Riot has been asking for you this entire time"

Voicmale left on March 19th,2038 at 2:17 am

"Izuku Midoriya we ask again if you could come Red Riot is being kept alive on life support. Hes in a critical state as the Villian had punctured his abdomen and left lung."

Voicmale left on March 22nd,
2038 at 1:16 pm

"We are devastated to inform you that Ejiro Kirishima had passes away on the 29th at 2:06 am. His funeral will be held back at Japan next month on the 5th."

Voicmale left on March 30th, 2038 at 5:11 pm

Izuku chucked the pills into his mouth as he sobbed and he played down I'm between their graves as he said.

"Love isnt kept inside bounds and that's why you can love us both"

He turned to face Ejiros grave answering the question he asked the day he left

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 

"Hey Zuku, how come I loved Denki while I loved you we can only love one person at a time..."

"Kiri, well lo-"


"Sorry! I've got to go love you!"

  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 

"Love is l...l..."

Izuku said as he took his final breaths before he heard Katsuki who went to see Kirishima and Mourn say.

"Love i-is like p-pi endless"

Then all the voices went quiet and it was white...he was gone and dead he saw Katsuki screaming while holding him saying how he never hated him and wanted to be friends again.

"You joined us finally, love"


Word count:695

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