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"Stoppp, Stoppp!!" I screamed to the top of my lungs as my step dad raped me like he would always do. I would kick and scream but it would only make him mad and more aggressive. He would ripe my clothes off, right after I get out of the shower. When ever I think he's gone he'll still be here, just waiting until everyone leaves for work. He'll come in the bathroom, strip naked and get in the shower with me. I would scream to the top of my lungs for help but it would never work. He'd rape me then I'd just lay there on my carpeted floor and cry, curled into a ball naked. After about 30 to 40 minutes of crying I would just get up and take another shower, by that time he would have already left for work. Then I'll put my clothes on and head to school.

This was almost always my daily routine. Then I'd head to school to listen to haters be haters, hoes be hoe's, and Niggas be niggas.

I had one best friend named Rashawn, I called him Shawn though. We told each other everything; he was the only person I could trust. Until he got arrested and went to jail when we were 14 and hasn't been back since. I'd known him since we were 4 when I first moved here in the city. He was the first person I met, reason being because he lived right next to me and his mom and my mom were very close; still are very close friends and his step dad and my dad worked together.

Ever since Shawn went to jail I became empty and alone, I began to have major trust issues. I don't trust anybody, not even with my first name. By the way my name is BriShay'e Janell Birmingham, I'm part Cuban and almost full American. I have light brown eyes with a soft yellow skin tone. I had a nice body for my age and long brown hair that reached down to the middle of my back.

My mom is a former stripper and my dad was a drug lord. My family is a little messed up, well a lot messed up but we were still a big happy family.


I woke up to the feeling of someone touching me, I tried to scream but he covered my mouth before I had a chance too. When I realized who its was I became scared. 

He whisper in my ear, "Say anything I'll hurt you." Before he could do anything else to me my mom burst through the door. 

"What the fuck is going on in here." My mom yelled. 

I burst into tears, "No Bae, It's not what you think. She came on to me." My stepfather lied. 

"Oh really ?" My mom came closer and tried to attack me I ran as fast I possibly could until I ended up out the door and running down the street in the pitch black night. I kept running not looking back until I ran into a tall dark figure that I thought I would never see again. 


You , Me && Trust IssuesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon