"Hey Umi." He greeted. "Fancy seeing you here, I never pegged you for someone who liked racing."

"Oh, no, I just heard the others squealing." I started to explain, "And I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and turns out it was you." Haruka laughed. The sound was lovely, and my heart started to pound.

"Why don't you hang around a little, I'll be done in a little bit."

"Ok, I'll meet you out front, ok?"

"Ok." Haruka gave me one more smile before he turned and walked away. I gripped my tote bag before leaving the racing track. I stood out the front of the track, waiting for Haruka to appear. Pretty soon, he did, a backpack slung across his shoulders. He made a beeline towards me, a smile on his face the entire time. "You hungry?"

"Yeah." I sighed, "I ran out of the house this morning, didn't manage to eat anything."

"Come on, I know the best breakfast place." I nodded. The two of us made light conversation, talking about our likes and dislikes and just anything that came to our minds. We soon came across a cute little diner just outside the Juuban District. We managed to get a booth, and breakfast was ordered. Haruka and I continued to talk, trading stories about our lives.

"So, wait, you're telling me, that as a kid, you crashed three separate go-carts before your parents decided to get you into racing." I laughed. Breakfast was finished a while ago, and it was nearing lunchtime, and Haruka decided to take me to a different restaurant.

"Yeah, took them about thirteen years but I finally convinced them." We talked for hours, and continued to talk as Haruka walked me home. "Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" Haruka asked. I was just about to agree, but then I realised what was happening.

"No, I can't, sorry." I said sadly, "Father is hosting a lunch with Nitori family, if I miss it, I won't forget it."

"It's fine. We can meet up at school, right? Music Room 3?" I smiled up at Haruka.

"Yeah. That sounds perfect." We were stopped in front of my house. I pushed myself up onto my tippy toes, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before running inside.

That night, after ignoring my Father for obvious reasons, I snuck out of the house, the transformation pen clutched in one hand with my mirror held in the other

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That night, after ignoring my Father for obvious reasons, I snuck out of the house, the transformation pen clutched in one hand with my mirror held in the other. I climbed down my arbour quickly, and scurried through the gardens. I came across an alleyway and lifted my transformation pen.

"Neptune Planet Power! Make UP!" I cried. Water started to surround me, wrapping around my legs, arms and torso to create my pale blue heeled pointed pumps, with a strap that wrapped around my calves and stopped just under my knees, my white gloves that stopped midway past my forearms, with a pale blue cuff. My skirt appeared on the main body of my suit, it was a pale teal that matched the cape that appeared on my shoulders. A pale blue bow appeared at the back of my skirt, and one on my chest that was held together by a pale teal broach. My necklace was a strip of teal fabric with a clamshell resting on the front. Neptune's planetary symbol appeared on my forehead, which turned into my tiara, which was mainly gold with a pale teal gem in its centre.

When my transformation was complete, I stretched out, somehow twirling the mirror in my hand perfectly before leaping onto a building and jumping across. I managed to stop another mugging, and I landed on the roof that I met Haruka on as Sailor Neptune. Ironically, Haruka was leaning on the railing. I lept over to him, my heels making small dings on the railing as I landed. "Hey there." I greeted, crossing my arms. Haruka's head snapped up, and he scrambled back.

"You're her." He breathed. I jumped down, delicately landing in front of Haruka. "Sailor Neptune."

"Yep. But, you can call me Neptune."

"Neptune..." Haruka muttered the name as if he had spoken it for years.

"What are you doing up here so late." I turned to the skyline, resting the Deep Aqua Mirror against my chest. "The sun went down hours ago."

"I just came up here to think." Haruka admitted, stepping up and leaning on the railing again. "I've been thinking about you, to be quite honest?" I blinked, turning to him,

"Me?" I questioned. "Why on earth would you be thinking about me?"

"Well, your an enigma." Haruka turned to look at me. Our eyes met, and I felt as if I was talking to someone that I had known for years. "One night you show up, stop a mugging and you're gone, only to return the next day." Haruka gestured to me.

"To be quite honest, I don't even know what I'm doing. I only just realised my true identity the other day."


"Yeah. Slowly but surely, I'm regaining memories of a past life, and my mission is returning to me." A scream pierced through the air, and my head snapped towards it. "That's my que." I hopped onto the railing of the building.

"Wait!" Haruka said. I turned to him slightly, "Will I see you tomorrow." I smiled at him, giving him a smile before leaping away. Of course. I thought, I will always come back to you....

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