𝑽𝑰. Summer.

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                    IT WAS THE LAST DAY of school, not the end of the fucking world.

          Most girls were sobbing like no tomorrow. You're going to see them in a few months, and you're more than likely going to write to them. Shut the fuck up already.

          I was in the girl's bathroom from being in the chamber below, when Calypso came in. She didn't notice me as she went to the other side of the sinks and turned at least three on. She started to hit something off of the sink which caused a lot of noise to echo throughout the room but was muffled by the water coming out of the faucets. I watched her from inside of a stall so she or any other girl would see me.

          "Incendio!" A big flame was brought to light that went aloft to the ceiling. Calypso just looked at whatever was on fire for a few minutes as her hands slightly shook, she was upset. Who made my doll mad? It had to have been Smith or Diggory, perhaps both, and I won't be shocked if it was them.

After a few moments passed of us watching the fire, I went over to Calypso from behind and tapped her shoulder. She whipped around and looked at me like she would to one of the guys who was bragging about how they got a better grade than she did, which has happened a handful of times.

          She stopped the fire and hugged me with everything in her like she usually does at least three times a day. I hugged her back tighter than I normally do as she started to cry, to try and comfort her. She cries way too much, it's annoying. All she does is cry nowadays. She's cried about every day this week over nonsense, such as her friends leaving her out of things, me not spending enough time with her, studying, homework, nonsense. She needs to get over it honestly.

          "What happened, Doll?" I asked as I rubbed her back to try and comfort her even more as she just cried, getting my shirt damp and snotty. Disgusting.

          "Somebody gave me a note saying that you don't actually like me!" Of course.

          Here's the thing; I like my doll — she's great, but just so whiny recently.

          "And that you're cheating on me! It didn't say with who though!" I rolled my eyes and held her. I can't believe she believes such stupidity. She's not this fucking stupid, I swear. I don't know what has gotten into her, believing all of this rubbish.

          An eternity later and Calypso finally stopped crying. She stood up straight, wiped her eyes, and looked up at me like a child would to their parent as if they were sad.

          "Is it true?" She asked. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when it hit me.

          "Of course not. I'd never cheat on you, Doll." I tried pulling her into me, but she backed away. I absolutely hate it when she backs away from me. It's rude. She usually does it when she's upset, like right now for instance.

          "I was in here because I heard you. You sounded upset, so I wanted to see what was wrong. I'm not cheating on you. I don't want to, I could never." I easily could, but it was the truth, I don't want to. She's so useful that I couldn't waste her. All of the other girls in this school can't amount to what my doll's going to be in our future. She's so close, yet so far and it's maddening.

          I reached my hand out to her and let her come to me. She eyed it for a few seconds before grabbing it hesitantly. "It's okay, Doll," she fully grabbed it and stepped closer to me.

          "Let's go make sure we have everything packed." She nodded, so I kissed her head and we made our way to the Hufflepuff common room as everyone was heading towards the exit ways.

                    WE WERE ABOUT HALFWAY THERE TO King's Cross Station. Calypso was with her mudblood friends while I was with the Knights of Walpurgis. Saying that is so much more appealing than saying, 'my followers', so so much more. It just rolled off the tongue great too.

         We were about twenty minutes away from King's Cross when my doll came in. She sat right beside me as Malfoy moved over for her. I let her grab my hand and pull it on her lap.

          "Doll." Her head snapped to me. She was upset again. Of course.

          "They made plans right in front of me. Right in front of me, Tommy!" I'm not entirely surprised by that, they've always made plans in front of Calypso without adding her into them.

          She somewhat screamed in her mouth and laid her head on my arm. When don't they make her upset?

          "Did you say anything back?" She lifted her head and turned her whole body to face me so she was now sitting criss-cross-applesauce.

          "You bet I did! I said you were coming over to my house this summer! You should've seen the look on their faces!" I slightly smiled at her. Every now and then she'll use her brain to be smart. It makes me happy when she decides to use it.

          Calypso went on and on and on, so the others were now looking at her and listening. She was also immensely loud, I wouldn't be surprised if anybody else could hear her.

          "I even said the boys were coming! They were so mad! I liked seeing them mad!" She announced and sat on her knees. She was really invested now, she was even holding onto my arm/shoulder. Her smile dropped as she looked out of the window.

          "Satisfaction." She looked back at me as the train started to slow down. I nodded.

          "It's good that you felt satisfied from their anger." She gave me her 'are you sure?' look. I nodded once again.

          She nodded and sat the correct way. She let go of my hand, so I grabbed it back and held it to me. From the corner of my eye I saw her slightly smile, she loves when I do that. She loves it when I make the first move in general. She just really needs it right now too, us touching.

          The train stopped completely and everyone got off in a hurry except for us. Calypso stood up and pulled on my hand, so I stood up with my diary in my free hand.

          "Wait." She did and turned around to look at me all innocently; she always looks innocent, it's insane. My gaze traveled down to her shiny pink plump lips. My eyes flickered back up to her eyes, then back down to her soft lips.

          Here goes nothing.

          I grabbed the side of Calypso's face and kissed her without hesitation. It was her first kiss and mine if I'm going to be honest. I don't know what came over me to kiss her, but I did and I actually enjoyed it, more than I thought I would. It was soft, she was soft, so soft.

          "Ready?" She nodded with the biggest smile on her face as it turned red. We got off the train, and her parents were right there waiting for her.

          "Calypso! Tom!" Calypso's mother — Gwenyth King or Mrs. King — pulled us into her for a bone-crushing hug. I've met Calypso's mother only a handful of times and she loves me, the same as her father.

          "Will you be staying with us this summer, Tom?" Calypso's father — Victor King or Mr. King —  asked me when I got let go of.

          "Maybe later on. I have some things I'd like to do." He nodded and hugged Calypso. You see, he wants me to work in the ministry with him, to teach me the ropes when he can't work anymore.

          "Just send us a letter letting us know, okay, Dear?" Mrs. King asked, so I replied with a curt nod with my hands behind my back.

          Calypso turned around to face me and hugged me tightly. She looked at me and kissed my cheek.

          "See ya, Tommy." She said as she let go of me and slightly backed up to her parents.

          "See ya, Doll." She smiled and went with them over to the luggage.

          I better make the best of my last free month without Calypso. I know I won't get any rest when I stay with her for the rest of the summer, and for the rest of her life.

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