Secret kid x Fem!reader

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(I think of them as like 15 or older in this, and call secret kid ben) 

Y/N paused clutching the soda bottle in her hand, exhaling softly. She had so much stress built up from her crush she could hardly breathe, so she decided to relieve herself of the burden, the burden of having a crush.

"I... I have a secret."

It was hardly above a whisper, but it wasn't sposed to be. After all, it won't be a secret if everyone knew it, would it?

"oh..? Well then, come on in."

Y/N obeyed his command and enter the cave. Y/N pasted Ben the bottle of pop, which he happily took.

"it- it's about my...."

Ben raised an eyebrow she was his close friend, she even knew his name! So what was so difficult about telling him one secret?

"go on..."

"my- my crush!"

Her voice raised slightly in the heat of the moment.

"ah! There you go! Now tell me, what's bothering you about your crush?"

Ben's question was blunt, but he always was, Placing his hand on his chin; Y/N Felt blood rush to her cheeks.

"well, everything, in away. I wanna confess to him. I wanna walk up to him and go 'hey, Ben! I like you!' But no! I'm never gonna do that because I'm a freckin' croward, who's scared to get her precious little feeling hurt!"

"Hey Y/N?"


"Think about what you just said."


Thinking it over, it Dawned on you; you had jus told you're crush you liked him, while in a pool floaty!


"Listen Ben, I get it you don't like me like that, it's cool I'll go"

"I never said I didn't like you back"


Ben smirked at her awkward demeanor finding it quite cute.

"Wanna grab a coffee sometime?"

Y/N felt her cheeks heat up but gave him a nod, smiling.

"Okay, only if you Leave the trashbag here!"

The girl chuckled slightly at her joke, soon Ben joined in.

"What? Why? It completes the look!"

"No it doesn't!"

The two end up drenched in water and laughing till their sides hurt. And yes, they did get that coffee.

Craig of the creek x readerWhere stories live. Discover now