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She was laying in her warm bed in the corner of the room. The window was cracked open, she could here the crickets chirping into the night, the wind blowing in the trees. Everyone has been laser for hours. But Layla lays there awake. The feeling someone is watching her gives her a chill down her spin. In the corner of the room, a figure starts to emerge. A single black cat sits on a chair next to the window. Frozen in fear Layla glances to see what it was. Able to hear the soft breathing in and out of the cat she begins to calm. The cat gracefully jumps across the room, slicing through the air and lands on the bed. A soft thump could be heard when the cat landed. As I rubbed against the humans side it purred. Just as quickly as it came it escaped through the just large enough crack in the window. As she sighed she turned over and finally fell asleep.
She was awoken by a loud crash in her kitchen. As she ran to see what was there, blinded by the blaring light she covered her eyes. After a second or two she was adjusting to the light and looked up. Sitting on the counter of next to the sink was the cat. On the floor below it was a broken bottle and a piece of paper. She quickly scared away the cat and picked up the folded piece of notebook paper.
Written in green ink in messy but legible handwriting were the words, "You said that you loved me. You kept me safe. After you left that day, I died inside. What the fuck were you thinking leaving the way you did! You killed me now I will you." In pure shock Layla turned around an grabbed her keys sitting on the bar. In a red oversized hoodie and a pair of floral pajama shorts she ran for the door and got i to her car. She opened the car door as fast as she could and sat down in the drivers seat. She trembles as she had the keys going into the ignition. As she hesitated she turned in the car and drove down the back road to to her mothers on the other side of town. Knowing who sent the note, memories filled her mind if that day.
~It was a beautiful Autumn day. They both where drinking a pumpkin spice latte. Under that beautiful, large oak tree in the yard they lates there heads on one another. The night before Makayla and Layla had a fight about Layla going to college in the state over. They had went to sleep after and forgot about the fight all together. Makayla didn't want Layla to go but Layla had to. She had to leave that night to catch her flight. Makayla never forgave her for that day and will never think about the good that came out of it~
Layla was breathing very heavily as she thought about it. She started to cry remembering how hard it was for her to leave. She knew that she would never be able to shake off the feeling of that regret and blame on herself.
Looking in the rearview mirror she sees a small black Toyota following her. She pulled onto petrol station and so did the black vehicle. When she had gotten out of the car to refill the gas tank she could feel the person watching her as she did. When she turned her head so slightly to get better look she saw two figures in the car. One with long brown curly hair, glasses and what looked like a scary grin. She began to frantically try and get back into her car but it was far to late to struggle

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