"The other day in your father's study," He started, nearly speaking in a whisper. "The advisors noticed how I comforted you."

My blood instantly ran cold. Of course; they noticed.

How could I have been so stupid? First, my parents' death. Now, Harry and I have been found out and he will be forced to leave the kingdom.

"Hang on, hang on." He smiled, letting out a soft giggle. "I see the look on your face, it's not what you're thinking."

I let out a sigh of relief and clutched my chest.

"There have been discussions of assigning someone to watch over you for the time being. With everything that is happening, we need to keep you protected at unquestionably all costs. Especially when we don't exactly know what those dangers are."

He took both of my hands in his.

"I wasn't exactly about to volunteer because, well, I didn't want to appear suspicious. I was nominated for the duty by Redmond. He explained to me the way I was able to calm you in the study was exceptional. He is under the pretext that we simply grew up together, so we're comfortable with each other."

I nodded as he spoke, understanding every word for what it was.

"So...you'll be with me? Every day?" I looked up to him and he smiled again.

"As long as my primary requirement is to keep you safe, I will be by your side. No matter what."

This single fact made my heart fill with joy for an individual moment; at this time, I would take even the smallest moment of happiness. While the castle around me seemed to be burning down in vicious flames and suffocating smoke, Harry was with me and would continue to be with me. This was my only sunlight on the most clouded day.

Ada interrupted the moment by opening the door. She bowed her head to us and stood up straight.

"Princess, Eliran has arrived."

Harry squeezed my hand and we stood up from the bed. Ada disappeared almost as quickly as she entered, more than likely having to greet many guests who would soon be entering the family cemetery for the service.

"I won't let anyone harm you, Celeste," Harry whispered down to me and kissed my forehead.


Our family's cemetery never ceased to amaze me. The tall wrought iron fences surrounding it were covered in overgrown vines, adorned with blood-red roses that seemed to always bloom no matter the season. There was a single path leading through the extensive plot that led directly to the massive gray bricked mausoleum.

We held the lengthy service in the cemetery yard with the many nobles and royals from kingdom's far and wide who knew and had worked alongside my family over numerous years. I was sat with Prince Adrien and his parents as the priest commenced the religious part of the ceremony, speaking stories of God and his plans. A few had chosen to get up and tell stories of my father from years ago as we sat and listened from the benches that had been set up early that morning.

The two caskets sat on wheeled stands in front of us. I could barely endure looking at the deep mahogany boxes presented before us. It made my heart sink to think about the two bodies that would now forever rest inside their containments.

After the cemetery service had ended, many of the guests were escorted back inside the castle for a reception of cocktails and celebrating memories; the rest of us would follow the caskets and priest into the mausoleum for the burial. That included myself, Eliran, my father's advisors, and a few others whom my parents had become close to. Harry followed shortly behind us as his current assignment had required him to. Although Harry wouldn't be standing at my side holding my hand, I found a strange comfort in knowing his presence was only a few feet behind me. 

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