Chapter Six

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The past few days seemed to bleed together into one overwhelming nightmare. Days spent lying in bed with nowhere to go and no one to see, dragged on into nights filled with restless misery. Upon the news of my parent's death and the ambush allegedly committed by Dubrawn, Harry had been sent off on various assignments with the rest of the guard. I had been told things were needed to be put in order; securing the kingdom grounds, checking in on the townspeople, and enacting revenge on the kingdom of horrors who committed such a heinous act.

I had been spoken to on brief occasions from the advisors on the matters of the marriage and coronation. The wedding held of much higher importance now than ever. If we wanted to be vigilant against Dubrawn, we would need as much help as we could get. Uniting Eliran and Galadia was the most reliable and safest option.

I sat at my ivory vanity, lightly brushing blush onto my cheeks. Getting out of bed this morning had been excruciating. Today was set to be a very important day; my parents' burial. Eliran would be arriving any moment now. The second they arrived at castle grounds would be my cue to head downstairs for the service. 

I set the brush down onto the vanity top and stared at my reflection. My eyes were sunken in from nights of inadequate sleep. It seemed no matter how much blush I added to my lifeless cheeks, nothing was saving my appearance.

Ada had helped me into one of my black formal dresses, tying up the bodice so tight it felt like breathing wouldn't be a choice for me. The bottom puffed out so wide; I hated events where this type of dressing was expected of me. With so many noble figures coming to lay my parents to rest, I had to look my absolute best.

I stood from my seated position at the vanity and moved to the window. Looking down on the courtyard seemed to be the only peace I would find in the day. Even though the rulers of Galadia had passed, nature seemed to not notice. The summer day continued on with a beautiful unblemished sky. The flowers below still stood at attention, soaking up every bit of the bright sun they could.

There was a knock at my chamber door, and I heard it open softly. I turned my head to see Harry standing in the doorway, looking at me with sullen eyes. He was dressed in his formal knight's attire; a dark suit with small golden badges adorning his left side breast. His hair had been neatly swept to the side, differing from its usual reckless manner. I gave him a smile and small head nod as he entered, closing the door behind him. Turning my attention back to the window, I heard him walk up behind me.

"Rich, isn't it?" I asked. "Possibly one of my worst moments, yet the day is stunning."

He let out a sigh and I turned back to look at him. The moment I looked into his eyes, I felt the tears I had so hopelessly held back rush to the surface. He noticed immediately and enveloped me into his arms. One of his hands held me around the waist sturdily, while the other rubbed my back in small strokes. I bit my bottom lip hard in an attempt to suppress the sobs, but there was no use. I let it all out into Harry's chest as he gently shushed me.

"Come, sit." He let go of me and took my trembling hand in his and walked me to my bed. 

We sat on the edge as I wiped the waterfall of tears from my face. He kept one hand on the small of my back. It was a simple action, but at that moment in meant so much. To feel supported in a world where I felt more alone than ever was all I needed.

"I wanted to come to check in on you, as it's been a few days since we've met. But I have some news."

I looked up to him, hoping the news wouldn't be another wave of pain. He reached up and pushed a few loose strands of hair behind my ear before caressing my cheek tenderly.

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