"It's locked."

"Of course it is," Tony sighed. He placed his ear against the door to hear the conversation inside, and Lucas did the same.

"Of course. You're young and gorgeous, you've got too much to lose. If you don't give me what I want, then I'll have to kill you," the man inside said.

"Tony, he's gonna kill her!" Lucas backed away slowly for a running start.

"Don't do it, Lucas!" Tony hissed.

"I have to, man. My girlfriend, the love of my life, my future wife and the future mother of my kids is in there! Don't tell me that I should just let her die!"

"Fine, Lucas, do what you want. But if she gets killed, don't blame me." Ignoring Tony, Lucas ran towards the door and kicked it with all his might.


Before Vladimir's knife could cut me, the door busted open to reveal the love of my life, Lucas Wolenczak.

"Lucas!" I cried.

"Shelby!" He tried to run towards me, but Vladimir threw his knife towards Lucas.

"Watch out!!" I screamed. Lucas dodged the knife and it struck the wall behind him. Lucas grabbed the knife out from the wall and charged towards a defenseless Vladimir.

I watched as Lucas stabbed Vladimir in the back. I honestly couldn't say that I was disgusted. It was somewhat satisfying to see such a filthy man's life come to an end.

As Lucas stabbed Vladimir, Tony rushed in and ripped off the tape that had bound my wrists and ankles together.

"Thank you, Tony," I said and I hugged him briefly before turning to Lucas.

When Lucas noticed that I was free, he slowly stood up and threw the knife to the side. I looked at Lucas' beautiful face, and he looked back at me. Then we ran to each other.

I hugged him as tight as I could and I cried into his shoulder as he held me tight and danced circles with me. Tony left so we could have some room, and I just stood there, in Lucas' arms, bawling my eyes out.

When my tears were gone, I reluctantly released myself from Lucas' embrace. I looked into his eyes, only to realize that he had been crying, too.

"I thought I lost you," he whispered.

"For a moment there, you did." I breathed shakily before moving in to kiss him. This was one of the best kisses we had ever shared, because it was filled with more passion, desire, and love than ever before. Although I wasn't afraid of death, I never wanted to leave Lucas. I kissed him and I didn't want to stop.

As we kissed, a dying Vladimir slithered along the floor towards a rifle that was propped up against the wall. He loaded it silently, and Lucas and I didn't notice because we were too busy kissing.

But when we heard the loud bang of a gunshot, we noticed.

I pulled away from the kiss, gasping. I turned around and saw Vladimir holding a rifle and smirking. I looked at him in horror.

"You said you didn't care," Vladimir smiled before slumping to the floor, dead.

I turned back to Lucas.

"Shelby, he shot you in the back!" Lucas cried and pulled me against him.

"Everything will be okay, Lucas," I croaked.

"No, it won't. We need to get you to a hospital!" Lucas picked me up and I winced in pain.

"Oh, god, Lucas, it hurts!" I yelled. "Put me down!" Hesitantly, Lucas set me down on the ground.

"I'm going to die either way, so I'd rather die in peace than in pain." Lucas looked at me sadly, but he nodded and sat down on the floor next to me. He placed me in his lap and brushed my hair away from my face as I looked at him lovingly.

"What happened?!" Tony panted, arriving in the doorway.

"Tony, go get the paramedics. Shelby's been shot!"

"I'll do it as quick as I can," Tony promised before running off. Lucas turned back to me, and I smiled at him.

"Lucas, you were the first person I ever truly loved, and the only one I ever could. Thank you so so much for being the love of my life. I love you more than you could ever know, and I'm sorry that I don't get to be there for your wedding and for the birth of your first child."

"Don't talk like that, Shelby. You're gonna make it. Just hold on." Tears streamed down Lucas' face and fell onto my shirt.

"You know better than that, Lucas. I wish you luck with the rest of your life. I know that you and your wife will make gorgeous children." I started to cry too, although my tears fell silently because it hurt to cry.

"Shelby, I only wanted that with you. If you can't be my wife, then I don't want one."

"Don't think like that, Lucas! You deserve more than the world, and I couldn't give that to you. So please, for me, carry on with your life."

"You are my world, Shelby. You give me life. Without you, I just, I can't go on. You complete me, and I don't think I could ever-"

I used every last ounce of strength that I had left to kiss him one last time. When I couldn't breathe any longer, I collapsed into Lucas' lap.

"I love you so much, Lucas Wolenczak. Forever and always."

"Forever and always, my beautiful Shelby McIntyre." Lucas took my hand in his for the last time, and the last thing I saw was Lucas' perfect tear-stained face.

And with the image of the love of my life engrained in my mind, I closed my eyes for eternity.

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