"Talia" dad shouts

"He fucking killed him!" I cried I stand up I wipe my tears then walked by the stairs holding my gun looking at the door

"Tally w-" harry starts but I cut hiM

"Shut up" I said looking at him death in the eye then the door bust down open Devin walks in as every one jumps except me his mans point at everyones head

"That was a stupid move baby girl look now your boy friend is gone" he said

"Fuck you" I simply say "you won't get a hint of my blood"

"oh really then I'll shot all these people" he said

Harry's pov

"If I can't help you no one can" Devin smirk

"You're right" Talia nod and looks at everyone "guys thank you for been there for me loving me protecting me and Thanks mom for been the best mother in the world I love,you more then anything"

She looks at her grandma "thanks guiding through everything I love you so much" she looks at her dad

"You weren't there for years seeing me graduate my first ball but you will always be a dad to me because I love you please protect my family"

She looks at her sisters "you'll are the best sisters I've ever seen in my entire life we shared a womb everything I want you'll to know that i love you all so much I wouldn't ask for better sisters" she sniffs

She looks at the lads "you'll are just like brother and I love you'll so much thanks for the support"

She looks at me "harry styles my first love my first kiss now matter what there's no one I'll love more then you , you really are my true love you showed me love care happiness I love you harry you will always be in my heart forever...I've putted your lives in danger i can't let this happen anymore I'm doing this for you'll because I love you'll"

She then looks at Devin "your right if you can't have Me no one can" she clicks her gun "see you'll on the other side" she looked at us before putting the gun on her head before I could protest she pulled the trigger screams filled the room as I run to my lifeless baby

I take her gun and shoot Devin as it hit his head he fell lifelessly

"I can't leave without her" I intertwined our hands and grip her gun "if she dies I die"

"Ha-" Louis said but I pulled the trigger in my head before blacking out

The family friends walked away from the two huge tombstones that laid next to each other

They were know as the true lovers who died for each other, status of them were built around the country

After they death nothing seemed to be the same every families hearts had an empty space in they hearts for the rembrance of they loved ones who died together and for each other

Talia's pov

I sat up the sky my hands intertwined with Harry's watching over our beloved ones as much as sad as it seems I had watch over them, I still can't believe harry died for me it's what we call love

"I miss them" he said as we watch over Louis and Elenour playing with the 4 year old Daughter they named Tally

"I miss them too so much" I said looking at mom and dad as they rule the kingdom 

I looked out for grandma standing next to her new husband and see her looking at me I nudge harry and point at her

"Does she see us?" Harry asked I shrugged

"I may not see you'll Talia and Harry but I can feel you'll watching over us" she said I cried sweetly

"I'm so glad the world Is back on track no more abusing humans everyone is living equally" harry sigh

"And it's thank to us we showed the vampires that your true love could be humans" I said we chuckled and nod

"Let's go check Perrie and her unborn" he said I nod

Perrie pov

After the death of Talia and Harry many things changed including the earth and I thank them so much but they will also be in our heart

I sat on the couch with my big belly and my legs sat on Zayns lap while he rubs my stomach then suddenly two white birds flew inside the open window each them holding a flower as they stand on top of my stomach and put the flowers on it

"It's them" Zayn said in tears ..

"Talia and Harry" I cried as one bird chop my cheek and poo on my stomach I chuckle "yep that's Talia" I said as the other sits on Zayns shoulder

"Harry" he whisper the birds flew away

"Bye" we both waved "we miss you and will always love you" I said they chip and flew out the window

To they lovers they knew that one day they'll have to move on because Talia and Harry will always be watching over them

The end

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