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I put on my black dress and matching heels with a purse I put on a lip gloss only and tied my hair into a bun and walked downstairs Angie and Harry's jaw dropped

"You look..." harry paused and shook his wearing a black blazer a tie and jeans "I'm out of words but fuck you look beautiful" I blush

"Thanks" I said he takes my hand

"Shall we?" He said

"We shall" I bow and walked to the door to see Andre waiting for us in Harry's Ferrari fuck how many cars does this man have

The minute Andre sees me his mouth hang open I smile but harry cleared his throat Andre shook his head and opened the door of us I thanked him and walked in The minute we did Harry's phone vibrates he rides the message and frown then look at me then back at the phone I frown but didn't bother to ask

The car ride was quiet too quiet its making shiver the car parked in a mansion it was so beautiful I walked out and start at it but harry just walked past me I didn't ask anything but walked behind him he rings the door bell

"Ahh harry styles" a man said they hand shake his eyes landed on me his mouth hang open "oh my she's so beautiful even closer" he whisper "hi I'm E-eddie"

"Talia" I wave

"Well come in come in" he said letting us in as everyone smiled and wave I took my sit next to Elenour across Harry and Eddie said next to me the table had champagnes and stuff although I wasn't interested what I wanted to know is why harry is acting so weird El looked at harry confused then at me I just shrug and sat back and harry gives me a angry glare I just raised my eyebrow and sit back playing with purse on my lap then the door rings again I now realize there a empty chair next to harry

"Ah John my brother" I hear Ed say still feeling Harry's eye on me

"Eddie my man" a voice said a very familiar voice my eyes shoot open and look at El the girls and I slowly turned around to see


I slowly turned around the four of them Looked at me I scratch my noise and shriek on my sit

"Well guys this is my friend john he's a police officer" Ed said everyone said except for me..

"Ohh the carter twins what are you'll doing here ...wait wheres the trouble maker?" I hear him say I look on my left to see him smirking At me I slowly sit up and fake a hugs grin

"Oh hey John I didn't see you there"I said

"Talia" he smiles "I'm glad meeting you here without been called to arrest you for the forth time" He said grin I hear small gasp

"Oh well what will you say since you loved been called because of me since fucking told the whole country we dating" I said frowning angry

"And I still don't see a problem with that" he smiles and sits never to harry who was just looking at me blank expression

"Looks like you guys have history" Niall said

"I wouldn't call it history" I said rolling my eyes and sat back

"Yeah Talia and I were almost a thing" he smirk

"I'd never with someone like you" I sign drink my juice

"You are so lucky your case has been dropped or I'd handcuff you in my bed and show you how much I can pleasure" he said i chuckles and grabbed the fork but El stopped me

"Just ignore him" she whisper I let go of the fork

Eddie stand up and walked in front of the table "well thank you all for coming and congrats the lords for finally getting girls" he smiles at us John laughed

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