"Yes and I also want to change that but I can't do it alone I need a queen by my side" dad said I put arm around his waist "I love you Linda so so much your the first person I feel in love with" mom looks at grandma

"It's okay sweetie" she smile widely mom looked at me I nod then she looks at her ring she takes it out and smile then nod the three of us cheered Dads connect they lips spinning around I seat on grandmas lap and hug her

"Wait what about you?" I look at my grandma she stands up

"OK do it" she said to dad he sigh and looks at mom

"Im sorry" he said mom nods he sinks his teeth's on her neck she become weaker and weaker He the then bit his wrist and fed mom then laid her in the couch and ran to grandma sinking his teeth's on her and doing the same thing

"Why did you do it!!" I scream crying I hear the door open

"They asked me to do it your mom said she wants to so she can rule forever your grandma asked for it because if you get bitten in her old age like that she will wake up looking like a age she was happiest in and that's when she was in mid thirties its okay baby" he pulls me to his chest

"What happened?" El asked

"They changing into vampires" Liam said

"Its okay they have they own reasons why they want to change" I said sniffing "how long?" I look at dad

"Probably an hour or two" he said I nod

"But won't they want to bite us when they wake up?" I ask he shook his head

"No matter how much you try you can't drink from your loved ones" he said I furrow my eyebrows

"But you-" he cuts me

"I know what I did we still gonna talk about it" he said I just nod "come here my girls" he said the hug him "I'm sorry for leaving" he said I stood and watched my moms lifeless body as she layed peacefully I'm so happy my dads back but erh the way he kisses me is still shocking like that's my father for fucks sake I can't kiss him like I kiss harry

"Talia!" Someone said I turned around

"Yes yes yes?" I said

"You okay?" Someone asked

"Yeah yeah I'm fine" I said and seat down

One and half hour later mom started moving she open her blood red eyes and fangs Dad throws a blood bags she ripped them apart her eyes started going back to colour but she looked different and more beautiful I look at grandma and jumped she looked exactly like mom!! She open her eyes dad gives her blood bags

"Mom?" I said confused looking at grandma then mom "mom? How the fuck you too so alike" I said they look at each other mom gasp ...

"You look like me" mom said I chuckle and look further I see a movement I slowly walked to the drawer and take out my gun

"There's someone here" Harry said smelling I point the gun at where I saw the figure

There's a bomb under that couch put the gun down or I'll press the button a voice in my head said I put the gun back on the counter

What do you want? I ask in my mind

I want you to come with me

Only if you take out the bomb then I will

How will I know your not lying your friends are here

I promise I won't please I said then a guy walks out the corner smirking holding the button remote dad was about to go to him

"No dad don't" I said and look at the guy "we had a deal take it out" I said angrily he walks up to me and grabbed my arm harshly

"Tally you little butch don't you dare fucking tomuch her" harry said angrily

"No it's okay don't do anything or the bomb under that couch will go off unless I go with him and I can't risk your lives I'd rather mines" I sigh

"Look under the couch" the guy said mom did so and take out the bomb the guy slowly walks me to the door and press the button I close my eyes waiting for a explosion but it never happened

"It's off" was the last thing he said before I blacked out

Harry's pov

I watched him run away with my girl and I did nothing about it

"There's something we have to do we can't just let him run off" Elenour said in tears Liam pulled her to his chest

"We gonna find her I promise" her dad said I buried my face in my hands

"We should have killed him just when he closed the bomb" her mom groan smashing the bomb on the floor

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