When they want to be spoil

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Either hug you from behind with his huge weight slamming you onto the ground , or tug your sleeve with his canine , gently when trying to get your attention and signal you for something . Of course you will give in and spoil your big , cute wolf by rubbing his head and back . Tickling his fur in between your fingers . He really like to cuddle , I mean , really really love it . And is a great cuddler .


Not really a type to show affection and always stay stoic and unfeeling . But if he felt lonely , he will nuzzle your legs with his antlers and poke you with it , causing a wound inflicted on your skin . Later , he will regret his action but you forgive him all the time , knowing this is not his intention . Petting his head with him slumber on your lap .


She just liked to be spoil everyday . Jumping onto your lap when you are working or doing something , and instinctively you will massage her fur . And she felt asleep on your lap , to which lead to you taking photo of your cute dwarf rabbit .


Just like Haru , this boy really like to catch your attention and receive some treats . Running around the house like a crazy pup and jump on your couch , or happens all the time , hop onto you while you are sleeping . Because of his happy-go-lucky characteristics , you will forgive him . Rub his stomach , tickling every part of his body and give him treats for being a good boy .


Very demanding to be precise . He will annoyed you , more like demanding you to serve him . He is super huge and enormous . Since you are afraid he will cause more uproar , you give up and did as he say . Give him some massages that you learn in the internet and play with his paws .


As energetic like Jack . She will pout if you don't give her your attention and will get quite aggressive , but not enough to hurt you since she don't want to be dislike by her owner . She liked to be pet on the head and back . Like the way you brush her fur with your smooth palms .


Will not act spoil . Refuse to let you pet his soft , tender fur . 

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