The Underground

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Frisk was just in the middle of a battle with Underway Sans. Encountering him again for the 15th time after dying a lot of times.

Frisk, a human who didn't want to hurt his friends, had to attack his friends against his own will.

He was forced to FIGHT his friends under somebody's control.

Frisk shedded a tear, he was beginning to lose more and more of his control because of somebody.

Then he noticed, the name of the files he had glitched then changed to Y/N.

A Glitchy Melody started playing when Frisk tried to take control of his body.

You took control of Frisk's body.

"What a nice day, isn't it, old friend?"

Sans started to be extra careful than usual.

Sans knew he's probably dealing with a whole different entity.

As the battle continued, the melody glitched a lot more.

Frisk tried taking back the authority of his body back.

But, Y/N ignored and continued on.

Frisk was about to be taken by the HATE of the monsters he killed.

Frisk cried, then he called for HELP at last.

Chara, who heard that call appeared and saw Frisk about to be absorbed by HATE, ran to him and then held the HATE.

That HATE found it's first body.

Chara about to be taken said something before being taken away by that HATE.

"Even though, I want the world to be gone, please.. DO it before I am gone."

"I will be waiting in the VOID."

"The VOID of DARKNESS and then wake."

Chara was gone and disappeared.

You kept on dodging the attacks Sans made.

Sans was getting tired each attack, giving you an advantage to hit him when he's really tired.

Sans then was tired, it looked like he gave up.

You then hit Sans with your weapon, but then..

Frisk, who is filled with DETERMINATION went out and took the attack for Sans.

Sans was shocked, filled with grief, he pressed RESET.

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