Chapter 21

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Mew feel lost. He is not sure what he should do. He is in between both his love of life. Mew goes and hug his mother to console her.

Mae again spoil you life son said Mew's maa and cried.

No Mae, its nothing related to you. Mae only do what is good for Mew. Mae don't worry naa, Mew and P'Nine knows how to deal with the case next week. Regarding Gulf, Mew will manage. He is my baby, he will be back to me said Mew confidently.

Mew asked Tae to ask where Gulf went. Mew is aware Gulf need to be consoled as well. Tae checked with Tee and said Gulf to the sea side. Mew just nodded and goes. He know which place Gulf will go. Mew drive to the location and it almost sun set. Mew saw Tee try to coax Gulf. Upon seeing Mew's arrival, Tae slowly moved. Gulf saw the shadow and look at Mew. Those tears eyes is visible in Gulf's face.

Mew seat beside him and put his hand on Gulf's shoulder. He bring Gulf to his embrace and hug him. Gulf hug Mew and cried.

Gulf: I lost both my parents P'. I can't forgive. I can't P'

Mew rubbed on Gulf hair.

Mew: As a son you should do you responsibility baby. You should fight for what happen to your parents.

Gulf shocked upon hearing what Mew said. He is sad and scard he might give up if Mew asked him to withdraw the case. He is in fear of betraying his parents. He don't want to lose Mew.

Gulf: P' about your Mum.

Mew: As a son I will do my responsibility to protect my mum legally baby. That case doesn't have any relation with our relationship. Its our responsibility as son to protect and find justice for our parents.

Gulf is surprised and happy hearing what Mew said.

Mew: Its getting late, lets go back.

Tee who hears what Mew said feel proud. He come and hug Mew.

Tee: Thank you P'

Mew: For

Tee: For being fair, I want justice for what happen to my uncle and aunt.

Mew smiled at both of them.

Mew ask Tee to bring Gulf back home. Before they leaves he could only say my mum is innocent as well. Gulf and Tee nodded. They know something had happen and they will know it in the court.

Mew back to his house after informing everyone to go his house. Mew ask P'Nine to ask P'Ohm to join him in their house. All of them join in the house for brief discussion on what to do in the court tomorrow.

All of them gather at court. Mew with his mum, P'Nine, P'Ohm, Tae and he saw Gulf with Tee and Tee's parents. Mew just assure everything going to be okay.

Everyone got surprised to see White and Lhong arrive there. Mew is not sure how to react. Lhong come to Mew and hold his hand. Gulf get tensed.

Lhong: Don't worry P' nothing will happen to Mae.

Mew just nodded.

White act sweetly to Mew's mum.

Mew: What are you doing here White?

White: I come to give moral support Mew. Don't you see the love of you life is here to get your mum punished. That's why I said he don't deserve you.

Tae understand what is going on and ask everyone to move in.

White goes to Lhong.

White: Lhong, do you think Mew will hate Gulf.

Lhong: He will definitely hate Gulf after sending his mother to the prison.

White: How if Mew able to save to his mother.

Lhong: He won't P' I already pay Gulf's lawyer. How also he will manage to put Mew's mum behind the prison. Seeing his mum behind the bar will slowly created anger and we can use that to split them.

Smirk Lhong.

The court section started and it their final hearing. Mew pray for everything goes as he wish. He knows his mama is innocent and good.

Kel begin to explain what happen. "On 31st January 2018, Mrs Wameen (Mew's mum) attended a party. She got fully drunk and left the party unconsciously. She supposed not to drive but she drive with full speed. To which after sometime she couldn't control anymore. She ran into a motorbike and killed two innocent people."

Mew surprised to see how the opponent lawyer accused and put the blame. He feel sad, even Gulf and family don't expect them. The lawyer playing dirty and its clearly can be send.

Mew look at P'Nine but both P'Nine and P'Ohm stay calm like nothing happen.

After the opponent lawyer finished his argument. P'Ohm stand up.

Ohm: Thank you for the clear explanation on the case Kel. I would like bring out certain points and explain what really happened. First of all, my client Mrs Wameen have alcohol intolerance and can't take alcohol.

Ohm submitted the doctor certificate acknowledge Wameen's condition.

Ohm: What Kel is partialy true but only partially. Mrs.Wameen attend the party and left the party early. Kel missed to address the time here. The party start 8.00pm and Mrs.Wameen left the party by 8.30pm and the accident happen by 8.40pm. Within 10 minutes. Very suspicious right. Based on the investigation done by police it is proven that the cause of the accident is not speed but dis functionality of the break.

Gulf look at Ohm.

Ohm: Yes, the honor. The break in Mrs.Wameen car was broken. That's why she couldn't stop her car at the traffic and hit the motorbike which eventually end up in killing two innocent people.

Kel tries to say something. Ohm notice that.

Ohm: But there also another very interesting fact. The car Mrs.Wameen used that was the car she just bought for her son 2 weeks ago.

Ohm again provide those evidence.

Ohm: An imported car which newly bought within 2 weeks can get broken. Again suspicious right. Here the honor, I would like to bring a case which is the root for this incident.

Ohm bring in the case.

Ohm: There is case filed Mrs.Wameen against her business partner Mr. Klong for money laundry. The case was about to be finalized and Mr.Klong to get his sentence. He set up the party to talk with Mrs.Wameen so she could withdraw the case but when Mrs.Wameen doesn't want to act against the law. Mr.Klong decided to kill her, he arrange people to cut the car break.

Ohm show the cctv footage Nine gathered showing few men going to car and doing something.

Ohm concluded the case.

Gulf and his family understand Mew's mum is indeed innocent. Kel tries to manipulate even after Tee's father told him to stop. Kel only stop after the judge told his argument is useless when Ohm provide all the evidence clearly. The judge order the police catch the real culprit and charge under attempt to murder and murder as their plan is to kill Mrs. Wameen and killed Gulf's parents.

White get shocked. They don't expect these but Lhong remain calm. White know if her brother is quite he did planned something. 

White: Lhong did you plan anything?

Lhong: No P'. I just wonder if any shooting happen against P'Mew's family now who will be the suspect.

White: Obviously Mr.Klong. Don't you see he is a killer.

Lhong just smirk. 

To be continue 🔜

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Sorry for my grammar.
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