From there, it was chaos. People jumped out of the way, some leaving entirely and some screaming. Others picked up a chant of 'fight' with fire dancing in their eyes. Pope tried desperately to pull John B back, but the boy just shoved him off. 

Attention pulled from the problem, John B couldn't block the harsh hit to his face. As he fell to the sand below him, CJ helped Pope up, the boy looking up at her with wide eyes. She looked away shamefully. Kie was pushing JJ back, trying to keep the problem from escalating any farther. 

As John B tried to get up, Topper kicked him into the water. "Hey, John B! Don't make me drown you like your old man, alright?" 

The Kook's words made something snap inside CJ. Standing up, Topper got another kick in before the girl was on his back; a knife pressed to his throat. He threw her off his back, CJ landing harshly next to John B. She groaned in pain, her back still a bit bruised from earlier, before scrambling to her feet. Her knife had sliced a thin line into Topper's neck and was still clutched in her hand. 

People were going nuts, the screams of 'fight' getting louder, paired with other cheers and shouts. JJ was now being held back by Pope while Kie fielded the front of him. He was screaming at Topper, threatening him violently. All of that was white noise for the three in the water though, angry focus completely on each other. 

John B had gotten to his feet, CJ's attack aiding in his recovery, and launched himself at the blonde. Tumbling into the ocean, they began grappling, punching each other in the torso. Sarah Cameron, Topper's girlfriend and the Kook princess, had finally pushed through the crowd and was yelling at her boyfriend to stop. Just like everyone else, her words fell on deaf ears. 

Putting her knife away, CJ raised her hands, getting ready to fight in any way she was needed. Her eyes were watchful and waiting as the boys got back on land, swinging each other around. Topper managed to get out of the hold and threw John B away from him. 

With John B thrown to the side, CJ stepped forward. Topper cocked his head at her, shaking his head in denial of her fighting ability and she simply cocked an eyebrow. Smirking, a glint shined in her eyes and she didn't wait for the Kook to make the first move. Surging forward, her fist slammed into his face. With a speed either boy could only wish for, she followed the hit with a kick to his ribs and a kick to his chest. The boy stumbled back, shock covering his features before the cockiness smothered it. Stepping forward, he didn't let the fact that she was a girl stop him from punching her in the stomach. When she keeled over slightly, he went to slam an elbow into her back but was stopped by the inability to breath. CJ's palm slamming into his diaphragm gave the girl a chance to back up and right herself. 

At this point, JJ had mostly calmed down and was cheering on the Pogues with Pope while Kie looked on in worry. She hated all the fighting. They were gonna get seriously hurt, again, and she didn't know what to do about it. 

With CJ out for the moment, John B took up the helm. "Come on!" He screamed at Topper, waving him closer. 

"This ain't a fair fight!" 

"Yeah, well that's your specialty!" 

Toppers fist swung, slamming into the left side of John B's face. The boy almost went down, but righted himself as Kie yelled at them to stop. The shakiness of her voice caught CJ's attention and she turned to look at her. Her eyes softened only slightly as she sent her a look of reassurance and turned back to the fight. 

The next hit Topper threw didn't land; John B dodging to the side. With better luck, Johnny's slammed into the right side of Topper's ribcage. A light punch met Topper's stomach before the two started grappling again. John B grabbed onto the older boy, twisting and throwing him into the ocean. 

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