Part 1: unknown world

Start from the beginning

the crash were coming into

the crash were coming into

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"No, you shouldn't overwork yourself your still in a bad condition." said the unknown girl. " I'm sorry about that" I replied
" I haven't introduced myself, my name is Tsukasa Mikogami." "My name is Lyrule and I actually have something for you." Lyrule said as she got up and left the room.

She soon came back with a bowl. "This is a broth I made with goats meat, here say ahh." "I feel like a baby being fed by his mother" even saying that I obliged and opened my mouth.

✨Lyrule pov✨

As I fed the first spoon to Tsukasa he couldn't swallow it so I didn't know what to do.

^maybe I should feed him through my ... mouth^

So I leaned in and well ...kissed him and fed him through my mouth. "Will you be able to eat if I feed you like this?" I said shyly

All of a sudden I heard a voice

✨Y/n pov✨

^my head was pounding and I open my eyes to see tsukasa kissing a green haired girl^
"Damn tsukasa, you really got your game on." I unintentionally said out loud but I realized that to late.

"Oh sorry tsukasa, didn't mean to ruin your moment." I said stifling a giggle.
"No, it's quite alright Y/n." tsukasa said with a slight blush. The green haired girl was blushing madly and stumbled over her words "hello I'm Lyrule, how are you feeling?

"Hiya I'm Y/n L/n. I'm feeling quite alright thanks to you taking care of me and my friends, we owe one."I stated with a bright smile.

"I stated with a bright smile

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"It was no problem." lyrule said sweetly.
"Lyrule, I heard one of the people we found unconscious is awake now!" Then a tall women walked in she had brown hair and well ... dog ears .. no probably wolf ears this is getting weird...

"-awkward- hmm,did I perhaps interrupt something?"asked the unknown lady

Tsukasa pov✨

^ ears and a tail does everyone in this village look like this^

"Hi there I'm Winona, I'm one of the residents here. You'll find we're all very friendly in this village,so nice to meet ya!"

"My name in Tsukasa Mikogami,it seems my friends and I owe you a great deal, right Y/n?"I asked look at Y/n

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"My name in Tsukasa Mikogami,it seems my friends and I owe you a great deal, right Y/n?"I asked look at Y/n

"Im Y/n L/n and if it wasn't for you we would'nt be here right now, so thank you." Y/n said while I simply nodded my head. Although there was one thing I needed to see, the plane crash...


^this is impossible there's no way we could've survived that!

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^this is impossible there's no way we could've survived that! ...^ "No now I'm certain.." " of what?" asked Winona and Lyrule.

"I think me and my comrades have passed over from another dimension."

☀️624 words☀️

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☀️624 words☀️

🦋PS:Follow me and go read my other story🦋

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