No no, this is no good. I didn't want Sonia to find ou-... wait. This is perfect. I can turn this back around. Screw Nagito and his meddling. I'm sorry Hajime.

"That's exactly what it is." I replied.

"Why isn't it on him? Where'd you find it?" She picked the screwdriver up, inspecting it.

"I found it in the tower on the floor. I was planning on returning it to him, it seems his foolish self dropped it." I replied, faking a convincing sigh and rolling my eyes.

I'm sorry noble Sonia, I don't like lying to you. But it seems that's all I can do.

Sonia's eyes widened at my response, "You found it in the tower? You don't think he-..?" She gasped.

I crossed my arms over my chest, the four devas resting on my shoulders. "The thought hadn't crossed my mind. But now that I think about it, what other answer is there?"

"What should we do?" She tuned her voice to a whisper.

"We must avenge Nekomaru!" I quietly encouraged her.

Sonia nodded and stuck the screwdriver into her dress pocket. "I'll keep it with me and present it during the trial if needed."

I quickly nodded. Sonia did the same and then hurriedly returned to the tower with the others.

May the best man win, Kazuichi.

Back to Hajime's Point of View:

"Why hello Hajime." A familiar voice said from behind me.

I turned away from the elevator power box I was inspecting to see the all too familiar figure speaking to me.

"There you are! Where have you been? And actually, how did you get over here? I've been right next to the elevator." I said in relief, pulling him into a hug.

Nagito didn't hug back. He just silently stood there, containing an unhealthy posture. After noticing his odd behavior, I pulled away.

"What's wrong?" I frowned.

"I cleared the final dead room." He responded, his voice was monotone and featured no emotion in the slightest bit.

My face transformed in to an expression of shock.

"What?! Why would you do that!?" I asked, making sure not to yell.

He didn't respond. Instead he looked away from me, his head turned to the wall on the left. After a moments worth of silence, he opened his mouth to speak. "I discovered your ultimate talent."

I was surprised to say the least. I wasn't expecting to find out or remember my talent anytime soon. But why did he look disappointed? And why didn't he answer my question about the final dead room?

     I stepped closer and used my thumb to turn his face towards me. He didn't make eye contact, instead his eyes were fixated on the ground below us.

"That's exciting! I didn't expect to find out anytime soon. You're amazing Nagito!" Although I was excited, I also wanted to cheer up Nagito about whatever was getting him down.

     Nagito's eyes then met with mine.

Nagito Komaeda's Point of View:

     I connected my eyes with the boy in front of me. His eyes were sparkling, gleaming in fact. He looked so excited and hopeful. It was like looking at a child in a candy store.

     That hope I adored so much was about to shatter right in front of my eyes.

"It's nothing." I replied, rubbing my elbow with my palm nervously.

"Huh? Why do you say that? Just tell me Nagito."

     I stayed silent. I couldn't clearly process what was happening. The boy I loved and looked up to for being an ultimate was.. I can't even think it much less say it out loud. My mind was spinning.

"Nagito!" Hajime snapped his hand in front of my face, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"You.." I started, refusing to look at him in the slightest.

"You ..d-"


     Never have I ever thought 'saved by the bell' was an actual thing that happened, but thank goodness it did.

     Monokuma asked us to meet in the tower since there was no convenient Rocky Mountain in the funhouse. I used that as an excuse to make my escape.

"Sorry can't talk now, got a trial to attend!" I hurriedly ran in the elevator and pressed the button, Hajime disappearing from sight. I wasn't going to the trial ground.. I was going to the final dead room. I've got some business to take care of.

    The trial can't start without everyone so I guess they're all going to have to wait. Besides, I don't think they'll be complaining once I arrive.

     Let the games begin.. Monokuma.

     -to be continued..
     word count: 1442
**AN: Yay! Yet another fast update! I'm so ready to begin my Naegami story. The only problem is.. I have two stories I'm choosing between to be next. So do me a favor? Pick a number: 1 or 2. Thanks for reading! :)**

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