The Finale Escape to safety

Start from the beginning

          "It matters! I want to know: why did you come back?" Thorin shouts gaining the attention back to the small hobbit. "Look, I know you doubt me, I know you always have. And you're right, I often think of Bag End. I miss my books. And my armchair. And my garden. See, that's where I belong. That's home." Bilbo continues on saying, "And that's why I came back, cause you don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can." He finishes with conviction. The company is stunned in silence and Adrianna steps forward. "I told you Thorin Oakenshield, we are here to help you not hinder you." Ori then walks up and carefully hugs her, avoiding touching her back, "Thank you, for what you did back there." He says softly, as the other dwarves join in, nodding or smiling. "She was quite the spit-fire, our little half-dwarf." Dwalin says with an approving smile, confirming that she was indeed no longer seen as just an elf. A howl pierces the air reminding the company that they are not out of the woods yet. "Out of the frying pan," Thorin sighs. "…and into the fire! Run! RUN!" Gandalf finishes. They all took of running down the hillside, as the sun begins to fade in the sky. As they come to the end of the cliff a Warg leaps over Bilbo and Adrianna cutting off the path to the others. Gandalf is ushering the dwarves into the trees, climbing one another and helping to get everyone off the ground. Kili suddenly realizes Adrianna is no longer behind him as he reaches the low branches of the tree he and Fili had climbed into. Looking around frantically he spots her and Bilbo fighting off a Warg and fear floods his veins. "Adrianna! Run!" He shouts. She and Bilbo dispatch the foul beast and then make there way to the others. She lifts Bilbo up helping him into a tree and a searing pain shoots up her back as the torn, raw, skin stretches. She collapses onto the ground tears filling her eyes, and Kili begins to climb down to get to her. "No! Kili!" Thorin shouts to his nephew. He looks at his uncle incredulously, "I will not leave her to die after all she has done." Before he can move again Dwalin swings down a grabs Adrianna round her middle lifting her up out of harms way just in time.

          "Thank you Master Dwalin." Adrianna said with a pained smile. "Not to worry lass, We wouldn't let you get eaten by that filth." Dwalin replied humorously, despite the situation. Kili sighed in relief that Adrianna had been pulled to safety. Suddenly, from over the hill more Wargs came, this time with riders, and at the front of the pack sat atop a White Warg was a Pale Orc. "Azog?!" Thorin spit out in hatred. Azog then commands the Orcs in Black Speech that Thorin is his, but to kill the others. "Sho gad adol!" (Drink their blood!) Azog yells, as the trees begin to fall into each other. As the tree Dwalin, Adrianna, and some of the other dwarves are in begins to fall Dwalin tosses Adrianna into Kili's waiting arms before jumping himself. "Thank you Master Dwalin." Adrianna says as the all jump to the last tree on the edge of the cliff. "Thank me after we're out of this mess lassie." From above pinecones alight with fire begin being passed down and thrown at the Wargs, chasing them back. The dwarves begin to celebrate until the hear a creaking as the tree begins to fall under the weight. The tree is now even with the ground, everyone holding on for dear life, when Ori loses his grip. As he falls he grabs onto Dori's leg, the jolt causes him to lose his grip and they are both falling until Gandalf lowers his staff allowing Dori to grab it. Adrianna holds tightly to her branch next to Kili a look of agony on her face from the strain. "Hang on Adrianna. We'll be okay, I promise." Kili says trying to lift everyone's spirits. Adrianna then turns her eyes to Thorin as she 'sees' what he is about to do. "Thorin! Be careful!" She shouts just before the Dwarf King pulls himself up and takes off towards Azog with hate evident on his face. Balin and Dwalin shout out trying to stop their king from doing something foolish. Adrianna, however, smiles and works through the pain to pull herself higher up on the branch. "What are you doing! Stay still!" Kili shouts, afraid she will fall. The dwarves attention is then drawn to the fight raging on next to them. Thorin is thrown to the ground by the White Warg and falls near unconscious, losing his sword at the same time. Azog commands another Orc to bring him Thorin's head, as the rider prepares to do so Bilbo comes from seemingly no where and knocks the Orc to the ground and killing it. Another rider prepares to jump at the small Hobbit when an arrow sails through the air landing it the side of its neck. Adrianna, standing on the tree trunk, begins to notch another arrow as she makes her way back to solid ground. The dwarves see a fire dancing in her eyes as she shouts, "Die Orc scum!" in Khuzdul. Hearing her speak in there native tongue rallies the dwarves and they start climbing there way up onto the tree trunk.

          The battle raged on; Dwarves against Orc and Warg for only a short time before the sound of wings could be heard. Eagles appear in the sky and start scooping up Wargs, throwing them over the cliff side. The largest of the eagles descends and scoops up Thorin gently caring him away from danger. Just as all seems well in their favor and the Orcs are retreating, a straggler who was injured throws his knife at Adrianna. It sinks into her left shoulder causing her to cry out in unexpected pain. Fili quickly kills the beast before it can do anything else, while Kili rushes to her side. "Pull it out! Quickly! Show me the blade!" Adrianna shouts to Kili. Hesitantly at first he does as she says and she sighs in relief. "It is not a poisoned blade." She says thankfully. She then turns to the brother's, "We should get going before the Eagles have all left," she says standing and running towards the edge of the cliff. Without looking she throws herself off of it into the air. Before either of the dwarf princes can move they are swooped up by and eagle and tossed onto the back of another. Kili and Fili search the sky looking for the falling girl but can not see her. Kili feels his heart shatter as his brother tries to comfort him. Then as if by a miracle they hear a shout of excitement as an eagle ascends from below with Adrianna on its back. "Never! Do that to me again!" Kili yells out to her as she smiles with the wind blowing her long, dirty, hair back behind her. "I can't make any promises my dear prince." She laughs back causing Fili to smile. "She will either be the death of you or the life of you brother!" He says clapping Kili on the back. Kili simply responds with, "Both, dear brother."

          The Eagles begin to deposit the dwarves on a large rock in the shape of a bear, "Carrock," Adrianna whispers to herself. Thorin is set down gently and Gandalf makes his way over, "Thorin! Thorin!" he says urgently. He then places his hand over the Dwarf King's face and whispers an incantation. Thorin rouses moments after asking for the Halfling. Gandalf tells him Bilbo is safe as Dwalin and Kili help him stand. However, he shrugs them off and approaches the Hobbit. "You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed!" Thorin ranted, spinning to Adrianna as well, "And you, foolishly followed him." Before anyone can speak he continues, "Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild and had no place amongst us?" He yells approaching the two small figures, who look nervous and worried. "I've never been so wrong in all my life!" Thorin exclaims pulling them both into an embrace. The dwarves around them cheer and celebrate as Thorin steps back. "I am sorry I doubted you both." Bilbo looks up at him, "No, I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior… not even a burglar." He chides. The dwarves chuckle at his small joke, and then Adrianna smiles and says, "I do not blame you either, some of my kind have given us all a bad name." Before Thorin can speak, Dwalin does, surprising everyone. "You are just a much Dwarf as the rest of us, you're just not as hairy." This gets another round of laughs as Kili moves to stand next to her. In the distance Bilbo sees a solitary peak off in the distance, "Is that what I think it is?" They all turn to look at the mountain. "Erebor-- The Lonely Mountain," Adrianna says softly. Gandalf then adds, "The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of Middle-earth." 

"Our Home" Thorin says nostalgically. "I do believe the worst is behind us." Bilbo says confidently, as they all stand staring at the Lonely Mountain with the sun rising behind them

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