I watched the way they interacted and the way Bella's face would redden everytime Jake would smile, and how his eyes would light up when she would laugh.

Soon enough Bella had enough knowledge to be able to identify plants on her own and had fun pointing them out. She even whipped out a professional camera and started taking pictures of birds and things that caught her fancy.

"Ginger needs to carry all the bags?" Jacob asked, his voice teasing but there was a sense of annoyance in his expression.

I eyed them both and noticed Edward was in fact carrying a bulkier and somewhat heavier looking bag than Jake.

"Feeling weak, Jacob?" Edward was amused, smirking at the younger guy. Bella and I exchanged blank looks.

"Guys, come on." Bella said, taking Jacob's hand.

We walked for a bit longer in silence, Bella's expression was a bit frustrated as she fiddled with her jacket ends. I couldn't help but notice she kept glancing at the treelines by our trail.

"You okay?" I asked her, slowing my pace so I'm with her and not Edward. We had been walking for nearly an hour now, I realized that after checking my watch.

"I have to go..." She mumbled, shifting her shoulders a bit as we trailed a bit behind the boys.

My eyes widened as I soon realized that I too, had to go. "Guys we have to go to the bathroom!" I declared loudly, grabbing Bella's arm. I've been camping enough times with my family to know how to use the bathroom in the wilderness. Just to be safe, my bag has biodegradable toiletries that we will be using.

"Alright, we'll wait here, holler if you need anything." Jacob said with a bit of a smirk.

"Don't fight while we're gone!" I called back to them as I carefully went into the treeline, before helping Bella follow after me.

"We won't!" Jake replied again, and soon their words to each other were a bit muffled by the trees as we traveled a bit further away.

"Let's find a tree." I mumbled, before seeing one without any annoying foliage under it. "There." I took one side and she took the other.

When we finished our business we began to head back towards the boys, but from behind we heard a grunting, growling sound, like something big was sniffing the ground before noticing us. We looked over our shoulders to see a massive bear with thick, brown fur lumbering in our direction, sniffing the ground against then in our direction.

I gripped Bella's wrist tightly and forced her to remain still. I didn't want to seem like a threat to this bear that was now staring at us intensely. It didn't take long for it to stand on its hind legs and roar at us. Shit, it's a grizzly!

Bella let out a scream, and cowered behind me as I choked on my own voice, fear locking my legs in place. We were going to die. Torn apart by this bear.

A brief rustle behind us had a choked whimper escape me as I pushed Bella behind me even further as the bear started to lung for us. Finally my voice rediscovered myself and I let out a scream.

Everything happened in a blur, one second the bear was charging us, the next it was tackled by something much bigger and reddish brown in fur. It was a wolf, one that should not exist in the natural world just from the sheer size of it with long fangs burying into the burly flesh of the bear. Soon, in an equally headache inducing blurr, Edward was on the bear's back after the massive wolf pinned it, snapping its neck with a sharp twist of his arm.

I didn't realize I had collapsed until I felt the dirt and rocks beneath my palm. Edward was quick to come to my side as the wolf sauntered off to the treeline before Jacob took its place and Bella handed him a shirt, shorts and sneakers. My eyes started to wander when a cold hand covered my eyes.

It had to be JessicaWhere stories live. Discover now