Chapter 4

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Ever since the storm, Edward has been awkwardly hanging around me, starting conversations that I want no part of. If he kept hanging around like this my secret will be let loose and I don't want that. I would probably be killed due to my extensive knowledge on nearly everything and everyone I know and don't know. Well... the Cullens may be less bloodthirsty about it, but the Volturi... yikes.

Currently, I was sitting at the public library on a cloudy Sunday afternoon with a book of European folklore in my lap and it was currently on the page of vampires. There was a sketched picture of what the author thought vampires looked like, A rather skinny and hairless creature with pointed ears and teeth, it's skin was gray and the clothing it wore was old fashioned like a beast frozen in time. This was such a fake picture.

"What makes you think that it's fake?" I heard a very familiar voice come from above my head. I tried to remain still as I looked up. Perhaps I said it out loud?

"Well for one, this book was written by a nutcase, and two there is no way vampires look like that." I replied, closing the book in my lap. There were some other inaccuracies compared to other folklore, like this author believed that steel was actually helpful for fae folk.

Edward stared at me as he sat down in the chair next to me. "How do you know for sure?" he asked, his brow furrowed but his eyes screamed suspicion. I rolled my eyes at him.

"While I've never seen an actual vampire before, but I 100% doubt they look like that." I snorted. "They'd want to blend in, otherwise humans would find out about them and kill them."

"You... are one strange person." he said slowly, squinting his eyes at me like he didn't understand the way I am.

"Are you going to prom? It's in a couple of weeks." I said softly to change the subject, reopening the book in my lap and flipping through the pages, looking at pictures of faeries and werewolves. While many of these facts would be fought against anyone with even a remote knowledge of mythology, the artwork was rather pretty.

"Why?" he asked with that smirk on his face that told me he was getting ready to tease me. It's been a month since I started to actually talk to this guy and I'm starting to be able to see all of his ticks. Guy's easier to read than a Dr. Seuss book.

"Do you want to go with me?" he teased while I just gave him a blank look. I could see his facial muscles struggling to remain still after my mental comment.

"No Edweird, I don't want to go to prom with you," I replied, standing up and packing the book into my bag. I already checked it out so I will be using it for about 2 weeks, mostly for shits and giggles. It was honestly quite amusing with how people in the past thought mythical creatures looked.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" He asked, almost as though he was offended but I can see the amusement in his eyes.

"Because I can. If you didn't like it, you'd stop me." I said, shrugging. I swung my bag up onto my right shoulder, walking passed him while trying to keep a straight face. I hate that I had gotten so used to seeing him everyday and talking to him about literally anything that comes to mind. I suppose it doesn't help that he practically knows what I'm thinking anyway. I snorted once again in amusement at my own thoughts. I quickly left the library with Edward's eyes following me the entire way.

I don't know what his obsession is with me but honestly it was seriously annoying at first, but after two straight weeks I got used to it. By now though he skipped town and New Moon would have started up. I frowned, I don't know why I remember that part so clearly. I mean, my senior year is starting in about 4 months, it currently being mid May.

I tossed my bag into the back seat of my car, climbing into the driverseat and stuck my key into the ignition. I sighed and let my hand fall into my lap, staring up at the roof of my car. I didn't bother turning the key as I chewed my bottom lip in thought. I still couldn't believe that I have gotten so used to Edward's company. Just last week he started sitting at my lunch table with me when my friends were all busy. He only did this when I was sitting alone... but still, this was a whole new level. It's almost as though he is actually trying to be my friend.

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