The Only Dog I Tolerate

Start from the beginning

"Ah, well Dazai had a little run in with a dog", Yosano said with a tight frown. 

Chuuya felt his fists tighten at the mention of a dog. Dazai was definitely going to be going to be retreating into his head after this one. 

"He's in there. I wrapped him up already and gave him some pain killers. That shitty mutt almost bit through his whole arm".

Chuuya let out a slow breath through clenched teeth. 

"I'm going to take him home".

It wasn't a suggestion. It was a sentence that no one could say no to since Chuuya wouldn't let them. 

Yosano sighed but nodded. 

After that Chuuya walked into the room and wasn't surprised to see Dazai already standing. 

"Ah! Chuuya what a surprise!", Dazai exclaimed with a smile on his face. 

Obviously fake. 

Chuuya rolled his eyes but didn't comment on it. 

"Get your shit. We're going home".

Dazai tilted his head. 


Chuuya nodded. 

"Yes home".

Not wanting to push Dazai's arm, Chuuya decided against going on his motorcycle to his apartment. Instead the two walked to Dazai's. Much closer luckily. 

When the two finally entered the small, almost empty apartment, Chuuya cleared his throat. 

Dazai looked back at him. His eyes blank. 

"I'll give you two options. One, we talk about what happened. Or two, we cuddle on your shitty futon and I tell you everything that happened today". 

Dazai instantly choose option two. Chuuya smiled and walked over to the futon pulling away the covers. 

Dazai crawled into his arms, and when he finally tucked his head into Chuuya's neck he let out a small huff of air. 

One that indicated that he was comfortable. 

One that made a shiver run up Chuuya's spine. 

"So, want me to talk now?". 

Dazai's head knocked into his neck. Chuuya let out a small laugh.


When Chuuya relayed all that happened in his day he josteled the brunette in his arms. 

Dazai stuttered awake from his hazed induced state. 

"What?", he croaked. 

"We are now doing option one. So, tell me what happened".

Dazai let out a small groan. Chuuya just groaned back. 

He could fell Dazai's frown against his neck. 

"Are you gonna tell me or am I going back to my apartment?".

After that sentence was uttered Dazai's thin arms constricted around him. Chuuya felt his chest get tight when he did that, but not because he applied more pressure to his body. 

But because he realized that Dazai still wanted him here. Something that he never thought would happen. 

"Then tell me what happened".

"A dog attacked me. I thought you knew that". 

"I did".

"Then why do I have to tell you?".

"I want you to tell me so that I can ask you how you handled it".

Dazai sucked in a breath before he said something. So quiet that Chuuya didn't even pick it up. 

"What?", he questioned. 

"I killed it", Dazai whispered, "I snapped it's neck because I was so angry and scared so I killed it".

Chuuya frowned. 

"That wasn't a good thing to do", Dazai sighed. Chuuya gently rubbed his hand up and down Dazai's spine. 

"It's and understandable thing to do", Chuuya reasoned. 

"But there are other ways to handle things like that Chuuya". 

"And there are ways to accept that you are still good".

Dazai shot up from Chuuya's arms, his eyes widened only a fraction. 

"Where did you get that notion?".

Chuuya rolled his eyes and pushed himself up only to pull Dazai back into his arms. 

"Because now whenever you do something that is close to the bad category you spiral". 

Dazai glared at him. 

"I don't spiral". 

"You spiral". 

"I do not".

"You spiral Dazai. It's okay that you do".

Dazai huffed before falling flat onto Chuuya's chest. 

"But you'll always be there for me, won't you. After all your're the only dog I tolerate", Dazai whispered. 

Chuuya smiled before plating a small kiss onto Dazai's forehead. 

"Yeah. I'll always be here for you".

Dazai smiled. 

"But I'm not your fucking dog".

"ChuuuuuUUUUUya!", Dazai whinned which only made Chuuya laugh so hard that Dazai's body jostled with every laugh that left the other's body. 

But he didn't mind. After all, he loved to see this particular puppy happy. 

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