The swarm emerges

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Burahk was staying in Ta-Koro for now and helping in training the guards with using the disk launchers and how the Bohrok will attack. After a few days he would leave to go help train the guards in the closest village to them. Tahu was also there, training his powers more so he would have complete control over them without any issues.

Vakama: Burahk, are you sure the Matoran are ready for such a fight?

Burahk: No, I don't think they are, but they must be ready for anything these days, I fear the Bohrok will attack anytime now.

        Down below in the training yard was the captain and second in command of the guards. Jaller and Takua, they were brothers in arms, defending each other, training together. They were the only ones who knew how to use the disk launchers day 1 due to all the training they have. They had their own personal weapons as well, with Jaller having a folding sword for easier storage on his person, while Takua had a spear sheathed on his back. They were training the guards and where they should be when the Bohrok attack Ta-Koro.

Jaller: You must always hit your shots, the disk launchers have limited ammo and it should be wasted on hitting the Bohrok!"

As they were all training, a scout saw something in the distance. Out from the ground came tons of Tahnok, ready to destroy the village and everyone inside of it. The scout sounded the alarm, alerting everyone about the attack that was coming. The guards went into battle positions along the wall, with Tahu joining them. "Hold men, when you see them, let your shots fly." Over the hill came the Bohrok, in great numbers, the guards all started firing at them, hitting a few dead on and killing them. The Tahnok has their own way of countering this and shot heated rocks at the wall. Tahu used his mask of shielding to protect the Matoran from the projectiles. Tahu was trying to find a way to stop them, he grabbed some binoculars and looked through them. He sees the tunnels the Bohrok were coming out of and knew that he had to seal Them, in order to stop the Bohrok from over running Ta-Koro.

Tahu: Captain, I need your men to cover me while I go to the tunnels and try to seal them shut."

Jaller: You want to go out their, into the Bohrok themselves?"

Tahu: I have no choice, if I don't do this, Ta-Koro will be destroyed, do you understand.

       Jaller nodded and ordered his men to cover Tahu while he goes to the Tunnels. Tahu jumped down from the Wall and pulls out his sword and lights it on fire. He sees the crowd that is in front of him before using his abilities to lift up lava that surrounds the village and also uses it to get through the crowd. The guards are also shooting any of the Bohrok that come from behind and try to kill him. He jumps up and spins in the air creating a fire tornado and sending it towards the crowd, killing many of the Bohrok and burning some as well. He sees the Bohrok come together and gather many lava rocks before sending them to the wall where it causes massive damage to them and causes some casualties for the guards as well. He changes his course to go after the groups and uses his Sword cutting through them with his sword like it was nothing. He eventually made it to the tunnels and using his enhanced powers was able to lift the lava that was below him without destroying the ground beneath him and threw it down the tunnel, killing any Bohrok that were coming down before using it to cover the holes. He was almost done his last one before he was hit from behind by a Tahnok, he got up and saw some had come for him. He got ready and when they charged he lit his sword on fire and started swing it around him with grace and managed to kill some of them by either the flames that cover the sword or by the deep slashed he made into their bodies. He even used the lava and threw it towards the Bohrok, he looked around him and saw none were left and resumed sealing the hole up. He was done and started running towards the village. He saw the last of the Bohrok being killed and decided to help with it. He started to throw some magma at them and fire balls as well burning them to a crisp. He saw that all the Tahnok that were left, were dead. He entered the village and saw that many Matoran were injured from the fighting but also saw many dead from it as well. He went up to the main building to see Vakama. He eventually got to his office and entered.

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