Go to Hagrid's shack. He will show you where to meet me. At 5pm. Wear black. I love you

You smiled and looked at the time it was 2pm. You realized you haven't gotten him a gift yet, and you needed a black dress. You decided to head into town to pick him up a surprise, but you didn't know what. You went down to Hagrid's shack to ask for some advice. "Hey Hagrid, I need some help. And fast" you said. "Well what is it y/n" he responded smiling "I don't know what to get Draco, do you have any ideas?" You said back hoping he knew something. "Maybe get him a picture book or something personal. I know he acts all tuff around people, but I can tell he is a softie. It's obvious." he said back laughing. "Okay thank you!" you said while running away to head to town. You went to get a dress first. You needed a black dress he said. You found a tight dress with a slit up the leg which looked perfect. "Pretty dress." the lady said while checking you out "Thank you" you said back to be polite. You walked out. The next store you went to was the photo shop. You wanted to get him a book with pictures of you together. "Who's this lucky guy" the man said while printing them "Oh my boyfriend" you responded. "Well obviously," he said back laughing, "Anniversary?". "Yup, 2 years" you responded. "Ah a long time, he must be quite good if he can keep a pretty lady like you." he said trying to flirt. "It's more me being able to keep him," you said laughing, "he is quite a handsome man." "Okay well hope it goes well" he said while handing you the book. It was perfect. It was black leather, imprinted on the front was the words, "For my Dray". The first page was a picture of you and him laying on the tree when he first asked you out. Hermione took it while spying on you guys. The next couple of pages were of ones of you and him kissing. Then on page 5 was your first Christmas together. He stayed at Hogwarts that week so you guys could spend it together. You had matching pajamas and it was you two kissing under the tree. The book had many more pages. It was all the pictures you had of you two together. You stopped by another shop to get him a ring. He loved wearing silver rings. You started looking but didn't find really anything. Then you saw a snake one and knew he needed it. It was silver with emerald eyes. Perfect. "Ah good choice miss" the lady said as you pointed to which one you wanted. "Yeah I hope so" you responded. "I am sure he will love it, wait. Is he a blonde? Has pretty blue eyes?" she asked. You were kinda freaked out and said. "Yeah, why what did he do. If he said anything rude to you I am sorry. He has a tendency to do so." "Oh no nothing of the sort, he is a very nice young man. He was looking for something for his girlfriend yesterday. He is a keeper, if I were you I would hold on to that one." she said. You smiled and said "He is a sweetheart, and I will try my hardest. Have a good day!" "You too miss" she said as you walked out. You smiled and thought about what he got you. You told him you didn't want anything, but of course he felt a need to. You checked the time. 3:30pm read your watch. You ran back to Hogwarts to get ready. You wanted to look perfect. When you got back you put the ring in the picture book and wrapped some twine around it. It looked wonderful, you hope he will like it. You decided to put your hair down and put some beach curls in it. You slipped on the dress and a snake necklace that he got you last year. "Perfect" you said to yourself in the mirror. You slipped on some y'all black velvet heels and walked out to Hagrid's shack. "Your here 20min early miss." he said as you walked in. "I know I just wanted to get your opinion on some stuff." you responded. "Of course miss" he said smiling. "Okay first how do I look? To over dressed? Bad? Not good enough? I am scared he looks way better than me." you said freaking out "Ah no miss of course not. You look perfect. He is a very lucky man to have such a beautiful girl with him for so long."he said. You sighed out of relief. You pulled out the book and said "How is this for his gift? I got him a ring as well since he likes jewelry." "It's perfect, you don't need to worry. He will love it as much as he loves you." Hagrid said. By now you wasted time so he started to lead you out into the woods. "My lady just walk around this corner" he said while walking away. "Thanks Hagrid." you responded You turned the corner to see Draco standing in front of you in a new black suit. "Hello gorgeous" he said while bringing you into a hug. "Hello handsome" you said back into his chest. You looked up at him and gave him a long kiss. He pulled back and said "I made us dinner." He was adorable. You sat down across from him at a gold and white table. He had a bag on the ground so you sat the book next to it. "So how do you like it?" he asked. "Oh Draco Malfoy, I love it. It is perfect. The lake looks so pretty, and you still manage to look better. I love the new suit by the way you look so handsome in it." you responded. He smiled and looked at you for awhile. "Do you want me to do a spin or something Dray" you said laughing. "Sure, you look absolutely stunning." he said joking around. You still stood up from the table putting down your fork and did a couple of slow spins. "Happy?" you said "Very" he said back. "Now come finish eating I don't want to leave to late." he said while waving you to come back. You sat down and finished eating. He made salad with grilled chicken. He was a good cook. "Thank you" you said. "Oh well of course anything for the love of my life" he said smiling. You blushed...hard. "Oh did I catch you off guard?" he said while laughing. "No I just have never heard you say that." you responded. "Well it's true darling." he said. He got up and pulled a ring box out of his jacket. You didn't know what was going to happen next. He took your hand and said "Look y/n I know we are to young to get married and spend the rest of our lives together, but for now," he opened the box and got on one knee, "I promise to always be there for you. When your sick, tired, and even mad at me. I promise to be by your side forever and always. I promise to love and protect you. I promise to find little surprises when we are making love every time. I promise to always love you. There for, y/n y/l will you accept this promise ring and let me do so?" You started to cry and said "Yes of course Draco Malfoy. I will." He put the ring on you finger. You stood up and kissed him. It was long but you pulled away first. "Thank you so much." you said to him still crying. "Aw honey no need to cry I am always there and I want you to know that." He said while kissing the top of your head. "Okay my turn." You said while picking up the book. You took out the ring so you could mock him but also make your own vows for him. You grabbed one of his hands and said "Draco Malfoy, I promise to be by your side always and forever. I promise to give you kisses even when you are being mean to my friends or me. I promise to love you forever and always. I promise to take care of you when you are sick. I promise to find surprises every time we make love. And most of all I promise to be with you. Therefor, Draco Malfoy will you accept this promise ring and let me do so?" He nodded and you slipped the ring on his finger. "I love you so much." He said while hugging you. He was starting to tear up as well, but not as much because he liked to be the stronger one. "I love you even more." You said while leaning in to kiss him. It was short because you had more to say. "Okay sit back down I have more." you said smiling. You sat on his lap and handed him the book. "You know you didn't need to get me really anything all I want is you" he whispered to you "Just open it please." you said back. He opened the book and revealed the picture of you two under the tree. He put his arm around you and brought you in closer. "How did you even get this picture? I love it." he said "Hermione took it when spying on us that night now there is way more." you said laughing. You sat in his lap as he flipped through every page by the end you were even more in love with him. "Thank you so much honey, I love it. It is perfect." he said then kissed your cheek. "Thanks, I am curious though what is in that bag Draco?" You said while pointing at it. "Oh that's for tonight" he said while laughing. He had a smirk on his face which ment he was up to no good. "What is it?" you asked again. "Go see for yourself." he said while pushing you off of his lap. You walked over to the bag and pulled out lace lingerie. "Draco you naughty boy! I do like it though." you said to him he laughed and walked over to you. "Do you want to go back to my room and try it on?" he said in a slow voice. "Well of course, we have to test it out as well." you said joking around "Oh we can" he said back. He picked up the book and kissed you. As you held the kiss he picked you up. You wrapped your legs around him. You pulled back and smiled at him. "I want to go back to your room," you said, "wait let me rephrase that...I need to go back to your room." He smiled and said "Well if you demand it" "No we don't have to be rough, I just want a little bit of Draco in me tonight." You said slowly. "Okay,but whatever we do is rough so prepare for a little more that a little bit of Draco in you." he said back smiling. "Whatever you say sir" you said back. You smiled and let yourself down off of him. He grabbed your hand and walked you up to his room. He went to sit on his bed as you went to the bathroom to put on what he got you. It was very very outside of your comfort zone, but if he liked it you were willing to wear it. You slipped it on and knocked on the bathroom door "Are you ready?" you said "Well of course" he said back. You walked out of the bathroom and watched as his jaw dropped. "So do you like it?" you said while doing a spin. "Like it,I love it." he said smiling. He was already nude under the blanket. You climbed onto his lap and started kissing him. The kissing got heavy and as soon as it did he slipped it in. You still weren't used to his size since he was very big. So you moaned as soon as he did so. He smiled and said "So you were already wet?" "Yeah you were really hot in that suit" you said back. You kissed him again as he started moving up and down. He picked you up and slammed you into the wall going harder then you were used to. "Dray, can you slow down a tad. I am not used to your size yet so it hurts." He smiled and said "Your just really tight that's why." You kissed him again wrapping your legs around him. He walked back over to the bed and laid you down. "No it's my turn." You said to him while putting you hand on his chest. "If you want to" he said while laying down. You smiled and sat on his lap kissing him. You slipped it in letting out another moan. Then you started kissing his neck and moving your hips around. He got sick of it so pushed you down into the bed while going hard. You finished but he was still going. Finally 15 minutes after he finished in you. You smiled as he laid down next to you. You turned to him and said "I told you we didn't need to go hard" "I know but I needed to." he said back. You stood up and took off the lingerie and replaced it with Draco's shirt. You climbed back into bed laying your head on his chest and your hand on his abs. "Goodnight y/n I love you" he whispered in a sleepy voice. "Goodnight Draco I love you even more." you said back. He picked up your chin so you would look at him and kissed you. It was deep and passionate. You pulled away and smiled laying your head back on him. You fell asleep quickly.

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